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Posted: 13/09/2004 - 14:41
by Bog
I should put a disclaimer on the site - "No Spectrums were actually cremated during the making of Xmas Chortles".
More like "Many braincells were harmed in the making of Xmas Chortles. Many, many braincells. Squashy ones."


Posted: 13/09/2004 - 16:17
by maverickbna
LOL 8)

BTW, Kenz, could you look into uploading the stream you made of BITLive for SLAY Radio? I'd like to archive it on my own, if that's OK.

I'd REALLY appreciate it.


Posted: 13/09/2004 - 16:47
by Kenz
I'm sure a downloadable version of the SLAY BitLive show will be made available soon - I'd sure like to hear it! :D

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 19:18
by Kenz
My BitLive 2004 piccy gallery is online! Sadly, I lost my first batch of photos by accidentally hitting the wrong icon and erasing my cameras memory card!! (Nyeeuurr, I like bicycles!) So it was bye-bye to the rehearsal pics and a selection of pics I took when I met up with Bouff on Thursday - D'oh! :evil:

There's still some good pics from the pissups and main event though - check 'em out!

And you can order some of the stuff that was on my stall from the page too! :D

{EDIT} Just added some other retro prints that are available for a LIMITED TIME!

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 19:26
by Slaygon
Kenz wrote:a selection of pics I took when I met up with Bouff on Thursday - D'oh! :evil:
At least I got to see them before they got erased! =)

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 19:42
by Lee's PeeknPoke
naughty bootleg small wav I made with me mini-DV cam of Stuck ... ... ootleg.WAV
Sure chris wont mind :)
more stuff inc videos on the way if I get time the next few weeks


Posted: 13/09/2004 - 20:11
by Matrix
Slaygon wrote:
Kenz wrote:a selection of pics I took when I met up with Bouff on Thursday - D'oh! :evil:
At least I got to see them before they got erased! =)
Couldnt you get back outa the trashcan, or were they twatted on the camera itself ?

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 20:13
by Slaygon
Matrix wrote:Couldnt you get back outa the trashcan, or were they twatted on the camera itself ?
My memory is so bad that it would be really hard to re-draw the images from it. Besides, I suck at drawing.

photo gallery :D

Posted: 14/09/2004 - 3:23
by hyperhack
Okay dudez Here is my photo gallery!

Managed to get some half decent pics with my dodgy nasty yucky digital camera!!!! ... /index.htm

Also, for those that didnt see 'renegade_si' on TV a little while back on Gamestars, then here is a treat for you all. He did well to get to 3rd place! so Credit due there, even if he did *cough* get beaten by a Girl! :D ... 004/si.avi

You will need divx and mp3 codecs installed to play it back!

I know i'm gonna get grief for this especially from Si himself! Oh well never mind it was a great night! One I will cherish! Still got deflektor banging away in my head! Cheers for that Benn! :D

Posted: 14/09/2004 - 6:08
by Matrix
Funny u mention gamestars m8 lol - im the one who rang in, said "space invaders", and won a shitload of games :D + 2 tickets to the show :D AWESOME lol .... course i have a bunch of PS2 titles i dont want now cos i have an xbox, but i got a buncha titles for that too lol ....

Posted: 14/09/2004 - 7:33
by renegade_si
thanks Jase.

My neck STILL hurts now.

taking painkillers - I'm too old for this rubbish!


Posted: 14/09/2004 - 9:56
by hyperhack
renegade_si wrote:thanks Jase.

My neck STILL hurts now.

taking painkillers - I'm too old for this rubbish!

No Worries dude! Your a star in your own right lol so you deserve a mention!

Sorry to hear that your neck is still hurting but to be honest the way you were moshing both myself and Kebab-Chris thought it was gonna come off!!!!!!!

I was getting ready to call 999! pmsl!

Cheers dude! Will be in contact about other matters!

Posted: 14/09/2004 - 11:11
by dizimatt
erm, did I miss something?

Was good to meet up with Jase, and the guys at trocedero

Nice to see that I'm still the best looking one :)

Matt (hiding)

p.s. Spectrum rulez

Posted: 14/09/2004 - 17:58
by Mayhem

Posted: 14/09/2004 - 19:25
by Matrix
WOW, theres some AWESOME pics there man !! - Top Stuff :) not a single obvious blur in sight :D PERFECT !! - Kudos man, i can see some1 was "Green" with envy ;)