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Posted: 22/12/2004 - 2:28
by Matrix
China huh lol ..... good luck with that one lol ....

US President huh, well, we really only need 007 to come in and complete the picture dont we, a british spy that takes down ppl who want to rule the world - apt... I wouldnt want that chair at all.... id want the one sat on the box in the Texas Book Depository :) modern day of course lol ...

Posted: 22/12/2004 - 10:45
by merman
The Texas Book Depository is probably a DVD rental place by now :wink:

Posted: 22/12/2004 - 14:33
by Matrix
So what are you saying, i get a laser this time ? lol....

Posted: 22/12/2004 - 17:29
by merman
Matrix wrote:So what are you saying, i get a laser this time ? lol....
Yes, a really small Class 2 with 32x oversampling :D

Posted: 23/12/2004 - 8:33
by Infamous
james bond?... if that fop comes knocking around my gaff ill knock the tart aartt!.. being president would be cool.

id call up kim whatsit over in korea and threaten him with global nuclear war.. but in the end id just send a pizza to his house he didnt order.. and id get arnie to be my right hand man but he'd have to say every 3rd sentence either "ill be back" or "uzi 9mm in your ass!".. as for china.. well.. ahem.

you make very nice plastic guns :)
anyone know the way to korea?..the pizza guy is asking....

Posted: 23/12/2004 - 10:50
by Vosla
Uhm... just another idea. How about THE Reset-Button? A big button only you can smash your fist on to end all and redo all over again... THE UNIVERSE I mean...waiting for the right moment to say "Now that's enough!" and *SMACK!* - a new day, a new universe.

(I guess I would sit millenia in front of the button, never being sure WHEN it's the right moment to reboot the universe...*Sigh!*)

Posted: 23/12/2004 - 12:02
by merman
Hints for being a super-villain

1. Hire people who can shoot straight
2. Don't reveal your plan while gloating over your arch-enemy's capture
3. Don't trust good-looking women who might fall in love with your arch-enemy and change sides mid-battle
4. Forget politicians, blackmail someone with real power. Like the Coke ad agency. Or Bill Gates.

Posted: 23/12/2004 - 12:12
by beyond
Check out: Villain Supply

Posted: 24/12/2004 - 14:34
by Infamous

When it's time for your Domination plans to go Global, then an island or an undersea city just isn't enough. Take your power and security to the extreme with an ORBITAL SPACE STATION. Produced by a former Soviet contractor who wishes not to be named, your personalized space platform includes: Master Bedroom, 18 guest cabins, artificial gravity promenade deck, fine galley, 3 spacedocks, Centrifuge of Death, oxygenation garden, cloning laboratory, missile launch bay, and particle beam laser bay. What's more, the Particle Beam Laser, 2 ex-American Space Shuttles, 18 robot henchmen, and 3 sexy FemBots are INCLUDED in the price! No upgrades needed! Includes convenient, obvious self-destruct mechanism. Order today!


Posted: 24/12/2004 - 19:03
by Vosla
Infamous wrote:... and 3 sexy FemBots are INCLUDED in the price! No upgrades needed! Includes convenient, obvious self-destruct mechanism. Order today!
Hmm... lemme guess why you are so enthusiastic... :wink:

Posted: 25/12/2004 - 1:44
by Matrix