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Posted: 05/10/2005 - 21:24
by Slick2097
OK I said i'd do a mini review thing .. but I never got round to it :/

Octave collared me on irc and "reminded" me :) so here it is.

My main gripe is that the CD is pc-centric, I can open the pdf magazines on my mac but the executables are PC only for the music :/ If an alternate distribution method was found then thats that gripe gone.

The magazines:
Well laid out, some good informative articles and lots of good content.

BitLite Demo: Very well done, liked the 3d, the music was pretty good and the introduction to who the people were would have been more useful to me before I arrived (not knowing anyone) :)

Jukebox of music: Liked some of the tunes, a few were a bit too "dancey" for me, but then dance isn't my thing. I did prefer the game remixes to the original productions however, but thats not because they are bad tracks, just that at the moment i'm in full on game music mode since the BIT/RV show :)

Websites demo: I would have preferred actual data on the websites rather than a bit of information on each one. Maybe a few screengrabs of them or something. As a demo it functioned well though.

Retro Revival:
Nice tune, nice graphics. Nice demo.

All in all its a well put together package, the only main gripe I have is the lack of mac friendlyness but thats understandable with the 3d I guess.

Looking forward to your next one tho chap.


Posted: 24/04/2007 - 13:30
by Rick2525
Talk about being late to the game here (a year and half since the last post, since I didn't know about this CD-ROM thing until now) ... I suppose noone is able (or allowed) to put this content back online?

Posted: 24/04/2007 - 15:06
by Analog-X64
Hmmm yeah good question is this available anywhere?

Posted: 26/04/2007 - 6:32
by StormKeeper
If I can find it in my CD library, and I have permission to upload it to my site, I don't mind hosting it for a while...

Posted: 27/04/2007 - 19:38
by octave-sounds
Talk about being late to the game here (a year and half since the last post, since I didn't know about this CD-ROM thing until now) ... I suppose noone is able (or allowed) to put this content back online?
well if there are enough people who would like to get there grubby hands on the cdrom either it be online or in cd form then watch this space for more info and keep an eye out on the website ;)


Posted: 27/04/2007 - 20:06
by Chris Abbott
Sorry Jeff, I owe you an email about this... I'd be happy to host the ISO as part of the whole BIT Live bonus thing on


Posted: 27/04/2007 - 20:27
by octave-sounds
Sorry Jeff, I owe you an email about this... I'd be happy to host the ISO as part of the whole BIT Live bonus thing on
nice one mr c your the man that would be great if you could host it :)

if you need to contact me i've a new email address which i will send to you to contact me :)

cheers me mukka's

Posted: 19/06/2007 - 19:01
by octave-sounds
hi there guys! :)

its now been confirmed that there will be a free cdrom by octave sounds for the bitlive event in London at Spitz 22/06/07 for the first 50 people on entry to the event with loads of new features added! yoohoo! :)

now you wouldnt want to miss that would you ;)


Posted: 19/06/2007 - 19:52
by Subzero

Posted: 19/06/2007 - 20:26
by Misser
octave-sounds wrote:hi there guys! :)

its now been confirmed that there will be a free cdrom by octave sounds for the bitlive event in London at Spitz 22/06/07 for the first 50 people on entry to the event with loads of new features added! yoohoo! :)

now you wouldnt want to miss that would you ;)

Damn i've been brushing my teeth for 18 months to make it a colgate smile to get in. And now i have to turn up early???

*Grin* I'll rather be late and have a good night (that is almost guarantied) so give the freebies away. But leave that last pole standing for me :)

Posted: 02/07/2007 - 19:43
by octave-sounds
hi there! :)

if you wasn't able to get a free cdrom at the bitlive event in london then watch this space for more info ;)


Posted: 02/07/2007 - 19:45
by Chris Abbott
You'll have to bear with me on that one: kid illness hospital type stuff.


Posted: 03/07/2007 - 9:58
by leoni
Chris Abbott wrote:You'll have to bear with me on that one: kid illness hospital type stuff.

doesnt sound good at all - take care Chris !

Posted: 05/07/2007 - 17:56
by octave-sounds
You'll have to bear with me on that one: kid illness hospital type stuff
ah no worries my friend sorry to hear hope the nipper gets well soon...
