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Posted: 01/09/2005 - 15:02
by Chris Abbott
Heh, actually I have to give credit for my site update to:

HMV (nicked their layout but improved their code)
Jan (who advised me on the clean design aspect I otherwise wouldn't have had a clue about, and gave me other useful advice)
Craig Grannell (for showing me a completely different view of design)

It's still a WIP though. There's lots to come, including.... well, that's a secret :)


Posted: 01/09/2005 - 16:29
by Max Levin
Jan Lund Thomsen wrote: @Max: It's natural to fear change at first, even if it's for the better.
I'm too old to get used to this change, switch it back emediatly

Posted: 01/09/2005 - 19:17
by Monty
well, to be honest, i liked the old design better (yeah, i'm retro :wink:).
to state more precisely, i do like the new design (page-segmentation) on its own, but i think it does not fit exactly with what the (main) content requires.

the main box is too thin in my opinion. it looks squeezed.
the bunch of icons in the last column seems a bit randomly mixed, like you ran out of space to spend every one of them a proper column (why do they seem to appear in the rating-column?).

concerning the content of it i think the Image belongs next to the remixer.
maybe the smiley (representing a result) should be at the very end on the right.
the other icons should get an own category. i wonder how many people download the lo-fi-extract nowadays, maybe it's obsolete.

please get me right, the site is not bad (as it may sound), in fact it's (still) much better than most other sites. it's "complaining on high level", because the previous design was almost perfect for me. there you had everything at one glance (for example the number of downloads had an own column - so it was easier to compare the number of downloads between the tracks - if you wanted that :roll:).

however, respect to all involved people. :worship:

Posted: 01/09/2005 - 19:33
by Sidman 64
Great new look on both RKO & C64AUDIO :D
Oh Chris, about bloody time as well :lol:

All that black & yellow on that OLD SITE :lol:

Posted: 01/09/2005 - 19:57
by Chris Abbott
danceaway wrote:Great new look on both RKO & C64AUDIO :D
Oh Chris, about bloody time as well :lol:

All that black & yellow on that OLD SITE :lol:
Hehe... I was ashamed of it for a few years, I can tell you.

Sumppi: how do Makke's preview clips not work? They work fine over here just now... I'm probably missing something. And yes, the cart is now officially the worst bit of the site, since it wasn't replaced with everything else. That's the next job...


Posted: 01/09/2005 - 20:47
by trace
Really nice Jan and Chris, it was about time c64audio got a face lift ;)

Posted: 01/09/2005 - 21:04
by C64GLeN
Very Sexy...

Posted: 01/09/2005 - 21:25
by Steve B
Chris, Makke's clips dont work here either. 404 page not found.

Posted: 01/09/2005 - 21:32
by Chris Abbott
Are you clicking on the title of the track or the little speaker icon?

Posted: 01/09/2005 - 22:31
by Steve B

Posted: 01/09/2005 - 22:42
by Chris Abbott
Ah, OK. Fixed! That bug was affecting all previews, so thanks for finding it :)


Posted: 02/09/2005 - 5:37
by Yoshi
Looks O-K! :D

Posted: 02/09/2005 - 6:48
by xo
Quite a nice redesign. I must say that Chris' is the most impressive, especially compared to what he had before. I'm lovin it Chris.

The thing I'm not quite lovin about the kwed redesign is that although its symmetric, with the three colums and the main column in the middle, the titles span several lines due to reduced space efficiency and 800x600 resolution niceness.

Posted: 02/09/2005 - 13:52
by Romeo Knight
I like the new design and features very much!

But I liked it much better to see the number of downloads at once and to sort by that item. If this isn't possible anymore that'd be really a degression IMO... :weep:

Posted: 02/09/2005 - 14:03
by Chris Abbott
exoskeleton wrote:Quite a nice redesign. I must say that Chris' is the most impressive, especially compared to what he had before. I'm lovin it Chris.

The thing I'm not quite lovin about the kwed redesign is that although its symmetric, with the three colums and the main column in the middle, the titles span several lines due to reduced space efficiency and 800x600 resolution niceness.
*blush* but...

Jan has by far the more difficult job in information presentation because people persist in create long mix names, a much bigger info-set and long mixnames ("Delta (Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious mix)".

Plus I heavily borrowed my design, Jan's was painstaking, thorough and original, and mine also used Jan's keen eye for design. So his fingers were in all the pies :) My PHP is quite nice though!
