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Posted: 05/12/2003 - 10:39
by Melroc
in case you meant me with my tristar-boulder intro song....
i'm looking for it and give you a link when i've found it.
i think it's only available in custom format... hmmm ...

-----------1st edit
here's the demo link:

@ bluefugue

Posted: 06/09/2004 - 12:07
by Stainy
Did this guy ever takle a Faery Tale tune ??
hope so... would love to hear it

Posted: 11/09/2004 - 20:14
by xo
Yeah, cool with a Kefrens dude here. Besides Desert Dream and Dane I liked Tranceformation by Dice. It sounded cool at the time and is still nice. It appeared in a nice demo. Dice was also a member of Polka Brothers, a Kefrens spinoff, if I remember correctly.

Just listened to some old Kefrens megademo music. Killvector from megademo 8 sounds quite cool. Also heard something called "classic razmo" ripped by Gryzor, from megademo 1; some really early stuff. :-)

I also think there's huge potential for remixing amiga music. There's extremely much amiga music. So some tracks are not easily remixable but there's still many tracks that are and there are hordes of chip tunes which should be ideal for remixing.

Posted: 26/09/2004 - 7:42
by LMan
Paul is currently busy with Real Lifeâ„¢, I'm sure he'll update the site when he has a moment to spare. Be patient please. :)

- Markus

Posted: 21/07/2005 - 20:51
by Matrix
Yo Razmo, if ya wanna get in touch with some of the other Kefs again im in touch with a few over in NC, USA.

I also wanna flag up more amiga remixes request too..... spesh from the demo scene.

Posted: 21/07/2005 - 22:18
by Razmo
Sure! .... whom is it that you know!? :) ... It's been a while since I've talked with anyone from that group except Mellica who is now my sisters husband... and Gore, who is in fact his brother.

Regards, Razmo.

Posted: 21/07/2005 - 22:25
by Razmo
In fact Amiga music does not say me much anymore... the real nostalgica for me was on the C64, before I started doing music myself... Rob and the others of that time was the main driving force for my interest back then, så when I switched to AMIGA I started dabbling with music myself... and it can surely be heard on the quility of my music from back then! :shock: ... so the only real interest for me on the AMIGA remix scene would be to remake those tunes that I made, and make them up to date. It's in my to do list actually, but again that list seems to go on and on forever, and priorities change pretty often :oops: ... so lets believe it when we see it ok!? :P

Regards, Razmo.

Posted: 22/07/2005 - 5:13
by Matrix
Know exactly what ya mean Razmo, ya never seem to get round to certain stuff. Well, the Kefrens USA have just wrapped up their business in webdesign and custom programming. But it was Laxity & Zara :)

I heard Kefrens germany turned into some kind of virus programing group.... nasty business that. I found the site once but never returned.

Posted: 22/07/2005 - 9:48
by Razmo
OK! ... Well Laxity I certainly remember! He lived in the same town as I did, and I believe we had quite a few parties together with him getting so drunk, he just strolled right into the nearest bushes when we headed for town... not that he was sick or anything, just obviosly found lying about in bushes to be something he liked ... obviously! :? ... Had a beer drinking dog too I remember :shock: ...

Zara I don't recall... is that a girlfriend, or someone actually in Kefrens?.... yeah well sorry, but my memory seems to fade when it comes to members... :? I actually believe that Laxity did write me once some time ago... just did not keep up the connection somehow.

If a german part of kefrens have taken up virus programming, then they are not in the spirit of kefrens anyways, so that'll have to be on their names only!... I don't find that bussiness funny at all! :x ... wonder what makes people do these things...

Actually I believe that Kefrens was destroyed when Promax started rolling all these different countries into the group... well in fact, I feel that Kefrens died slowly when Promax and the others entered Kefrens... It might be weird for outsiders to understand this, since they saw most of the group's success come from Promax also, but the real spirit was with the orriginals who founded Kefrens, and we all lived in the same little town here in Denmark, being close friends and such. When the others came into the picture, everything started to get very competition minded inside the group itself... slowly but securely splitting the group into different sections...

All this said, I still believe that the group was just US... the starters... And the spirit of Kefrens is still with me... actually I was the one responsible for both the founding, the name and the logo, so I rightly claim, that if anyone is kefrens, it should be me! :twisted:

And for those not knowing who the originals were, they were: Razmo, Metallion, Mellica, Pharao and Gore. Later semi-originals, but that I consider to be part of the "dead-family" is Laxity, RWO and SLL, which also all lived in the same town back then, and became part of the group.

Regards, Razmo.

Posted: 22/07/2005 - 13:23
by Matrix
LAxity seems a nice chap, but i talk more with Zara these days..... Laxity seems to live on World of Warcraft & Tribes.

Posted: 22/07/2005 - 15:29
by Feekzoid
This is a common problem... World of Warcraft snatched away what little time I had for counter-strike... and stolen my will to write music at the moment!

Posted: 22/07/2005 - 18:28
by Matrix
Well im big on HALO (Pc) atm..... ive got several good games, but i cant tear myself away from the CTF Blood Gulch, Sidewinder and Death Island maps :)

Posted: 27/07/2005 - 13:46
by Zzr
oh yes world of warcraft eats much time better used for composing o0

back to topic theres a lot patterns on personal queue - hope to be able to bring more amiga rmixes in future. biggest problem is: got stuff like quick and silva, amberstar and some others in a loopable format since i mostly wanted em just rmixed for mp3 deliplayer looping :P

actually i also "started" on c64 but must have been kinda too early for me. my "time" started on amiga trackers, my personal life tuning is alot bound to those games and stuff.

uhm oh yes ^^ my second post.

i already made one and left a "hi everyone" but uhm ... well hi everyone 8-)


edited: spelling error

Posted: 15/08/2005 - 14:48
by klasman
Hi Razmo!

Nice to hear some old Kefrens members here! I might actually met you, if you were the guy responsible for Polka Brothers as well?
When I worked at Scavenger with Laxity... I was the swedish graphics artist :) Prowler

Well anyway...