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Posted: 02/12/2005 - 14:08
by seVeneleVen
i feel with you.
i was diagnosed with an highly agressive form of non-hodgkin lymphatic cancer three month ago and i'm now going through the chemotherapy wich is very hard to handle for me, sometimes.

i wish you the power to beat this shit!


Posted: 02/12/2005 - 15:20
by LMan
Oh dear, best of luck to you too, SevenEleven! :(

Posted: 02/12/2005 - 15:21
by madfiddler
Mate, all the best to you (and to seveneleven too). Sounds like you have a good chance of a full recovery, you'll be in my thoughts dude...

Posted: 02/12/2005 - 19:11
by dan gillgrass
Sorry to hear that Skitz, all the best, you just know everything will turn out just fine :D

Posted: 03/12/2005 - 0:19
by ifadeo
i hope you both get well soon....

cheers ifadeo

Posted: 03/12/2005 - 2:39
by Mayhem
I caught some of what was said on Wednesday (just happened to randomly tune in) but never heard what it was. Shit man, hope all goes well for you. Sounds like as you said, prospects ARE very good however.

Posted: 03/12/2005 - 11:11
by Infamous
good luck to the both of you... really hope everything turns out for the best
keep yer chins up guy's :)

Posted: 03/12/2005 - 21:52
by Dumper
Good luck from me as well, i really hope things work out for the both of you.

Posted: 03/12/2005 - 23:03
by beyond
SevenEleven: One of my friends ran into this non-H cancer also and that was one tough ride, but he made it. I wish you all the best in your recovery.

Skitz: There was one good thing about being so young as I didn't worry so much about it. Probably a good thing. But it sounds like you are lucky as it is very slow growth and not metastasizing. I'm no expert, but I have heard only good stories about such scenarios. So thumbs up, keep faith, Skitz!

Posted: 04/12/2005 - 16:05
by Bog
Christ on a chrome Kawasaki!


Mate, I'm gutted to hear this, but I'm similarly releived that it's "just" a benign mass rather than the Other Thing. Rootin' for you from Casa Bog - you'll show this bitch not to mess with the King of Unz.

Other folks - Beyond, no idea mate - all the more respect for what you've acheived over the years now. Best of luck, SevenEleven, people have beaten and continue to beat cancer.

Posted: 04/12/2005 - 21:30
by Vosla
Holy $%&§!!! :shock:

I wish you all the best modern medicine can do for you, Skitz & 711 !!!

"Die beste Krankheit taugt nix!" said my grandma.

Posted: 06/12/2005 - 17:26
by Aero
That's simply terrible. For both of you Skitz and Seveneleven. What a shock..
I really hope you'll make it. Many forms are curable :)

Posted: 07/12/2005 - 2:15
by bmd
all the best

Posted: 07/12/2005 - 8:55
by eddy
shocking to hear skitz & seven11! I wish you both strength and the best of luck. Declare war with your decease and fight it!

Posted: 07/12/2005 - 13:22
by Hazel
That's just so fucked up :(

I really wish you the best...