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Posted: 15/12/2005 - 3:57
by tas
richerich wrote:
And btw... As u hear on the name of the song... IT WAS A FUCKING DEMOSONG, U WANKER!!! I just made it, so that Skitz could show me what changes I should make... Isnt that 1 of the learingprogress, then u must be stupid...
please can we not throw insults around like that on this board. Agree/Disagree throw tantrums as much as you like but don't go along this route. Consider yourself warned!

Posted: 15/12/2005 - 6:58
by Dimmignatt
I'm not going to tell you once more Dajova.. (richierich)

As Floaf stated in his post.. A quote of our chat in IRC.
It's clearly stated that I pointed out the things I thought was bad in a
calm and Nice way.. So dont give me any crap that I just put you down.
I tried to help you and give suggestions but you just wouldn't listen.

If you don't change your behavior and attitude I'm pretty sure that folks dont want to help you out .. But what's done is done.. Everyone knows how you acted on the IRC and belive me .. things like that isn't going to change just like that !!

Dimmignatt out !

Posted: 15/12/2005 - 8:59
by Waz
tas wrote:Agree/Disagree throw tantrums as much as you like but don't go along this route. Consider yourself warned!
Well said, tas. This is meant to be for constructive points of view, not flame wars.

Anyway, I took a listen to some of DJ Dajova's mixes, and in truth, they were not very good at all. There were many recurring themes that did not make them sound at all good, but these were the main ones:

* They were mixed far too loud and so what actually came out of the speakers sounded more like noise. It's always better if you can to test a mix on a decent hi-fi setup where you will be able to hear most things exposed sonically - and if you haven't got one, ask a friend.

* Crowd noise being over used. It should be used sparingly and not to be completely in your face.

* Other instrument choices did not fit the style of tune, nor did they enhance the tune in any way. Please do think about the subtleties of a tune and whether an instrument can enhance or degrade the tune, and act accordingly. Sometimes it was a case of a drum beat being put in just for a drum beat's sake rather than thinking about it.

* Melodies - think a lot about the way the SID handles arpeggios and slide - if you're going to use SID2MIDI as a base for a mix, bear in mind that these effects will not sound as they should - and if these are left in the mix, wrong notes will stick out like a sore thumb and detract from the quality. Take note of where these are in the original SID and think about handling those differently.

Posted: 15/12/2005 - 11:18
by Makke

Dajova, here's your main problem:
On the SLAY Radio boards, DJ Dajova wrote:GODDAMMIT!! Why cant anyone talk to me as a real person... all just hates me... all i want is to be known...
It seems you don't want to make good music. You just want people to know your name (and through your childish and unreasonable behavior you're really making a name for yourself).

I've already given you comments on your tunes. I'm sure you got them when your tunes were rejected from R.K.O..

Posted: 15/12/2005 - 11:38
by skitz
richerich wrote:At least now I know better... Not because of Dimmignat, because all he has done is complain on me ever since he heard my music...
You really need to learn to take criticism Rich, music really is a subjective thing and a lot of people will not like what you produce - you need to prepare yourself for this or just not release it into the public domain.
richerich wrote:And btw... As u hear on the name of the song... IT WAS A FUCKING DEMOSONG, U WANKER!!! I just made it, so that Skitz could show me what changes I should make... Isnt that 1 of the learing progress, then u must be stupid...
Rich, again you are straight on the defensive here - I sent your demo song to a couple of people because I needed to understand if there was a style of music that I was not aware of and I think the demo song shows the biggest problem that you have as a musician which is at the moment you have no "Musical Theory" behind you. The FLP project you sent me was a good example of this as the basic chord progression and melodic patterns appeared completely random in nature and didnt follow any of the "so called" rules of music creation. There are plenty of websites out there on the theory of chord progression which is where I think you need to start - try this cool website out for a start ( - next I suggest you go out and buy a keyboard of some description - your musical style seems to be "trance/dance" and you will eventually need a keyboard to work out both chords and leads for your productions.

If you continue to "verbally abuse" the members of the community you will get yourself a bad name and nobody will help you. Read through all the comments in this thread and take them onboard - Dont turn around and tell somebody they're a wanker.... it's just BAD FORM!

It's Christmas and so I will give you one more chance at help - use that project I sent you as a guide and look at what I have done with the Mixer channels to get each instrument sounding "different" to your original demo song. plus the changes to the chord progressions I made (although they are not great to be honest). If you work entirely in FLStudio then I can easily help you out with this kind of thing - just send me the zipped loop..

As a fellow Counter-Strike player I will leave you with this:

"Stick Together Team..."

Posted: 15/12/2005 - 13:21
by gibs
you axe....


Posted: 15/12/2005 - 13:23
by Romeo Knight
Good god, I love those kinds of threads... :lol:
You've all being very polite and helpful, I don't think I'd have the patience with such a hopeless case...

Posted: 15/12/2005 - 14:45
by Vosla
As for this thread...


Posted: 15/12/2005 - 15:50
by tas
Think you're right Vosla...


Posted: 15/12/2005 - 16:09
by Chris Abbott
Last word from me, a graduate in Psychology: an academic psychology paper to study.
