Posted: 09/03/2006 - 7:23
Uh, did I forget something, Markus?LMan / Remix64 wrote:Kick ass work there. Very fitting!
Uh, did I forget something, Markus?LMan / Remix64 wrote:Kick ass work there. Very fitting!
Ahem, off the top of my head:Pex `Mahoney` Tufvesson wrote:There's always Press Play on Tape's boyband video. Don't miss it ( ).
Other than that... not too many that I know of...
Or how about the badger video starring C64 people!tsr_fredi wrote:I´d rather watch the badger badger loop then.
NäNUzatansjävlagûbbjävelFYFAN, vetty!tsr_fredi wrote: ps max du ska vara på gumpa forum inte här. hihi
hmm... no I´d rather watch the original thenKenz wrote:Or how about the badger video starring C64 people!tsr_fredi wrote:I´d rather watch the badger badger loop then. ... badger+c64
It's not one of my favorite Remixes but the video is funny.Max Levin wrote:Monty Mole: Nope, that's all there is <points secretly towards my signature>
I don't think it's feasibly economically considering the sales levels. I'm surprised they bothered with "Digital Memories", frankly, though I'm glad they did. The Live remix DVD is only 2/3 of the way to breaking even as it is.Monty Mole wrote:It's not one of my favorite Remixes but the video is funny.Max Levin wrote:Monty Mole: Nope, that's all there is <points secretly towards my signature>
There are some live-Remix-DVDs. It's there an opinion for a Musicclip DVD from the C64 remixes ? Booth clips I've see was really great, I think with more clips it were worth to press a commercial DVD.