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Posted: 22/06/2006 - 18:48
by Analog-X64
Maybe this is a perfect opportunity for you to grab a microphone and belt out a Chortle of the tune. That way it will be easier to track it down. Actually I might do a Chortle of a tune I'm looking for.

Re: Looking For a Swing/Ragtime Game sid

Posted: 23/06/2006 - 0:36
by skywalka
WestBank is not the game, but thanx soren.

Analog-X, I can't recall the music. I just heard it once for a couple minutes but I've always wanted to hear it again because I recall that I loved it at the time.

Posted: 23/06/2006 - 15:24
by Vosla
Sorry, don't have a clue.
But this thread looks like a perfect oppurtunity for another minigame -
What's the SID? :wink:
Hell, I'm so thrilled, I want to to know what game it is. Gah!

Posted: 23/06/2006 - 22:17
by Jax
Long shot, but one of the earlier games I remember with 'swing / ragtime'
music was China Miner.

Another one I bought from a bargain bin (yes, even in the olden days, this was 'old'...) - Frantic Freddie. I was stunned by how MANY tunes were in a single game:

But there were a few games that used Scott Joplin pieces - so it would be best if you could remember a little more about the actual game :D


Posted: 24/06/2006 - 0:22
by skywalka
No, Jax, neither of those are the one. Thanx.

If I ever find the music I hope it's as good as I remember. Otherwise I'll feel pretty silly! :oops:

Posted: 24/06/2006 - 12:16
by Bog
And ooooh we're so terrified of making ourselves look silly around these parts. Oh yeah. Yeah.

*hides his rubber chicken and fake moustache*

I'd be interested to see where this goes, love a bit of ragtime, me.