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Posted: 14/08/2006 - 17:37
by hoomish
Personally, whether we believe our governments or not, I think it's fair play to restrict this and that on planes etc... far better than the POTENTIAL consequences.

Posted: 15/08/2006 - 20:59
by FunkyM
Well the good news is that we can take small hand luggage on the planes. Also we can take books. Terrorists lose.

But would life be any better under another PM? Cameron? Campbell? Kennedy? George Galloway? Robert Kilroy-silk, even?

I'm just sayin' is all.

And don't ask me what "FHS" Stands for, you might find out soon enough...

Posted: 15/08/2006 - 22:05
by merman
You mean David Cameron, whose party supported sending troops into Iraq, whose party gave us the "which cricket team do you support" test for immigrants, whose party was in power when arms were exported to Afghanistan to help the muhjahadeen fight the Russians?

Posted: 16/08/2006 - 10:10
by FunkyM
merman wrote:You mean David Cameron, whose party supported sending troops into Iraq, whose party gave us the "which cricket team do you support" test for immigrants, whose party was in power when arms were exported to Afghanistan to help the muhjahadeen fight the Russians?
So he's no better than the other fella!

Now I like the Idea of the LibDems, an unpopular party in a Populist world. But would they be too liberal on Terrorism?

Posted: 16/08/2006 - 11:02
by tas
hoomish wrote:Personally, whether we believe our governments or not, I think it's fair play to restrict this and that on planes etc... far better than the POTENTIAL consequences.
Thats a fair coment. I'd rather be slightly put out than dead!

May seem over the top at first look but Better to be safe than sorry eh?

Posted: 16/08/2006 - 12:32
by Tonka
FunkyM wrote:
merman wrote:You mean David Cameron, whose party supported sending troops into Iraq, whose party gave us the "which cricket team do you support" test for immigrants, whose party was in power when arms were exported to Afghanistan to help the muhjahadeen fight the Russians?
So he's no better than the other fella!

Now I like the Idea of the LibDems, an unpopular party in a Populist world. But would they be too liberal on Terrorism?
Whatever party that gets voted in will eventually become corrupt. Being elected brings power and wealth to many people within a party and power and wealth corrupts - always has done, always will...

What we need is a cyborg party made up of laterally thinking, un-corruptible robots and computers - you know, like that 'Skynet' system in the Terminator films... :shock:


Posted: 16/08/2006 - 13:14
by FunkyM
Tonka wrote:Whatever party that gets voted in will eventually become corrupt. Being elected brings power and wealth to many people within a party and power and wealth corrupts - always has done, always will...

What we need is a cyborg party made up of laterally thinking, un-corruptible robots and computers - you know, like that 'Skynet' system in the Terminator films... :shock:

...Or, Better Idea, Get the cyborgs and robots to do the Gruntwork, And elt ultimate power and responsibility for our own lives to fall to us. Then we could represent ourselves in a sort of e-Parliament, which would be where things got done.

Posted: 16/08/2006 - 13:46
by Tonka
"Yahoo - I'm President at last! I'll start by getting my dick sucked, invading a random country in the Middle East and taking a 2 month holiday on tax payers money"...

Posted: 22/08/2006 - 13:03
by Vosla
All politicians could suck my dick...
Oh No, wait!!! They could actually enjoy that!
Ok, first I'll dig out [fill in dead politician of your choice] and fuck his ass and then they could suck my dick...

Well, I think, this wasn't politically correct :twisted:

Hmm... maybe a line of politicians, a chainsaw and thirty seconds of scot free mayhem... GNIHIHIHARRRR!!!
Who scores the most?