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Posted: 02/08/2007 - 1:14
by Analog-X64
razmo wrote:AnalogX: at least you've got ONE SID chip when you want to make the MB6582... You can gut your SiDStation :eekout:
Why I oughta!!!!!!! You better run!!!! :)

I thought the MB6582 only takes a maximum of 8 SID chips and multiples of 2's... If I took out the SID Chip from my SIDStation, I would have 1 too many.... :twisted:

Posted: 02/08/2007 - 1:23
by Razmo
AnalogX... hehe! ... well... IF the chip inside your SID Station is as they said, it's one of the best 6581s actually... namely the 6581R4AR...

Well... I've got eight 8580s already, so I'm not so nervous about getting this thing up and running fullblown :P

And the best thing about this project is, that if I feel something is missing in the OS of it, I just give Thorsten an Email, and he'll look into it I'm sure... unless I'm totaly unfair in my request :lol:

He's made a really rockstable engine for this... not like the evercrashing SID Station... only problem here will be, that I'm out of mixing channels in my studio... only got one channel left for it, and it has 4 stereo outs :cry: ... but I'll manage somethin'

I really like the feedback idear that has been incorporated... feedin' the SID audio output into the audio input... and then routing it through the filter... in fact this mod should also be possible on a real C64 I guess..

Posted: 02/08/2007 - 2:46
by Analog-X64
razmo wrote:AnalogX... hehe! ... well... IF the chip inside your SID Station is as they said, it's one of the best 6581s actually... namely the 6581R4AR...
I wouldnt dare open mine to see whats inside in the fear that It will stop working. I already had it shipped back once when it decided to scramble itself, and become unresponsive.

Well... I've got eight 8580s already, so I'm not so nervous about getting this thing up and running fullblown :P
I have 4 8580R4's and 4 6582's on its way. I'm not sure if I will put them all in or save 4 for another project.
And the best thing about this project is, that if I feel something is missing in the OS of it, I just give Thorsten an Email, and he'll look into it I'm sure... unless I'm totaly unfair in my request :lol:
If Thorsten gives up on the project because he was pestered... I'll know who to blame.
He's made a really rockstable engine for this... not like the evercrashing SID Station... only problem here will be, that I'm out of mixing channels in my studio... only got one channel left for it, and it has 4 stereo outs :cry: ... but I'll manage somethin'
How how many mixing channels do you have?
I really like the feedback idear that has been incorporated... feedin' the SID audio output into the audio input... and then routing it through the filter... in fact this mod should also be possible on a real C64 I guess..

This is what is exciting about this... its kind of an open ended project and the best in the scene can give feedback only to improve it better.

I read a bit about the AOUT Filter which is kind of a MOOG Filter?? Not sure how that incorporates into the project but its a neat idea.

Posted: 02/08/2007 - 3:21
by Razmo
well there's a SID inside analogX! :shock: :lol: ... don't be afraid of the SID! :lol: ... ok... I'll stop teasing now :blush:

Well, mine scrambled too when I had it actually... don't know why really, but you get around it by powering the unit up, with a certain comb. of keys pressed, to make an initialization of the memory... you'd have to dump all patches into it again though... don't know why it was to unreliable, but maybe because it's Elektrons first project... it's even controlled with a motorola CPU comparable to the one in an AMIGA... in fact they coded the OS on an AMIGA, and transfered it ... They told me so themselves once.

One thing to remember about the SID though is the envelope bug... the AMP envelopes of the three oscillators are buggy, and any other setting where the attack, decay and release are not set to 0, the sound will be sluggish... it can only be prevented by a delay of approx. 25ms which make live playing bad (25ms latency)... but if you sacrifice the AMP env. the SID rocks 100%!

Your mean four 8580R5 right? there is no 8580R4 unless you have something I don't! :)

Don't worry about me by the way... I'm reasonable in my requests to Thorsten, ... I think 8)

How many mixing channels? ... too few... I've got 16 stereo channels, and 4 stereo AUX returns... all are clogged up with synths and FX units exept for 1 stereo channel and 1 AUX :? ... I'm actually reaching the limit of my setup very soon... (which is good for my wallet!)

Now with regard to the AOUT module... yeah, it's a nice feature, but I really don't get the hype about the moog or CEM filters... I mean, it's SID for gods sake! it has analog filters, and it's those that is special, and different... take the filters out of the SID chip, and you don't really have a that extrodinary music chip... if I want CEM og MOOG I could buy those (if I had the money)... I think taking those extra filters into the project is a little overkill for my liking, but if someone want it, it's always nice that it's there of course.

A thing I'd rather see with the AOUT is a controlling of a simple amplifier of the SIDs output... with that, you could design an overall AMP envelope to compensate for the SIDs envelope bug... you'd just let the SID get no note-off messages so that the tone keep "ringing", and shape the AMP with a software EG... now THAT I'd like to see, and Thorsten say it's definitely possible... but this is the farthest I will wander out of the SIDs own sound... simply correct a bug, and that's it.

Another thing is, that the AOUT is basically a CV output I guess, so you should be able to control any module on an analog modular synth with this... it does give lots of opportunities...

Posted: 02/08/2007 - 3:51
by Analog-X64
Razmo: Shouldnt you be going to bed MR.!!! ?? :)

I remember making the expensive overseas phone call and they gave me the instructions on reseting the unit alas it failed. So there was no option but to send it back. They were blaming my Roland W-30 saying it sent some MIDI instruction that cause it to do that. Not sure what to believe i never inserted the SidStation within the Route of the W-30.

Posted: 02/08/2007 - 7:56
by Razmo

Hmmm... sounds like you got the standard reply, when they could not locate the problem... "it's their fault!"... a bit like "It's a virus!" when you go to the doctor, and he cannot diagnose anything :?

The only thing that should be able to fuck up an OS should be if the unit somehow got a "system OS update" message via MIDI, and since this is sysX dependent it seem very unlikely... it's probably just their hardware that do not work properly.

I got tired of the SidStation because it could not use a 8580... tried to make them help direct me to do the mod, but they refused... I tried myself, and blew a 8580 SID up... that did it! :evil:

Posted: 02/08/2007 - 8:03
by Razmo

In fact my mod would have worked if I just had remembered one little thing... The problem was that the SidStation only had 6v powersupply, and they did some kind of upping of the voltage to 12 volts needed for the 6581... now the 8580 need 9 volts, and I knew that... in addition to change two caps... the caps got changed well enough, but I tried to fix the voltage problem by bending off the 12v suply and ground legs of the 8580 out of the socket, then I drilled a hole in the back of the SidStation, and inserted another power connector for a 9 volt supply... you can guess the rest...

It would have worked had I just remembered that f...... 9 volt regulator! ... yep! I connected the SID directly to a 9V DC 2000mA power supply... no wonder the poor SID had a shocking experience :cry:

Posted: 02/08/2007 - 18:52
by xo
xo wrote:
By the way, can anyone tell me why FL is horribly slow on my new Core 2 Duo E6600 with 2 GB RAM and Vista? I didn't think I'd experience that ALL included FL songs would lag on playback.
I increased the buffer size and the problem evaporated.

Re: MB-6582 (8xSID MIDIbox SID V2) - PCBs now available

Posted: 17/01/2008 - 22:06
by Dafunk
i want one of these babies, but building it myself, well, i don't think so, i'd burn down the house eventually... :P

any ideas if it can be purchased or summat?

Re: MB-6582 (8xSID MIDIbox SID V2) - PCBs now available

Posted: 18/01/2008 - 8:50
by Makke
Dafunk wrote:i want one of these babies, but building it myself, well, i don't think so, i'd burn down the house eventually...
My thought as well. I'd love to have something like this (OK 8 SIDs might be overkill, but something that'd allow for at least two or three chips to be used at the same time), but I just don't have the know-how to build it myself.

When I'm finished with moving flats and all the expenses that involves, I'm thinking about looking into what I would need to set up a nice 8-bit music rig.

Re: MB-6582 (8xSID MIDIbox SID V2) - PCBs now available

Posted: 18/01/2008 - 11:00
by Analog-X64
I'm waiting for the Components Package with all the little components like resistors and capacitors as well as getting a case for it. I've got everything else.

Once I have all the parts, it will be a nice Saturday afternoon project.