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Posted: 25/07/2007 - 15:42
by Razmo
A Ninja who shows his true form!? ... come on AnalogX! A true Ninja would NEVER reveal his true identity! :lol:

Posted: 25/07/2007 - 18:13
by Vosla
Therefore this isn't his REAL photo but a clever disguise... perhaps he ninja'd the milkman and took his form and identity... :shock:

Sorry, this is such a stpid and childish nonsense but it's so much fun to do such moronic stuff from time to time... ;-)

Posted: 25/07/2007 - 18:19
by Razmo
Oh my GOD! :shock: we could be Ninja'ed any minute then!? :argh:

Posted: 25/07/2007 - 18:22
by Razmo
Hey! wait a minute! ... are mummies white Ninjas? :confusion: I might have a chance then, since Chefren is pretty much a mummy I'm sure :confusion:

Posted: 25/07/2007 - 21:45
by Vosla
... a well hung piece of ninja then.. :roll: (Argh! This hurts...)

Posted: 25/07/2007 - 22:51
by Razmo
...A Ninja is a Ninja... :)

Posted: 26/07/2007 - 0:49
by Analog-X64
Chefren and I are buddies from the old days....

Posted: 26/07/2007 - 0:52
by Razmo
Analog-X: Damn! you're older than I thought :lol:

Posted: 26/07/2007 - 23:54
by Dumper

A strange hooded figure has been spotted in various locations in Calgary over the last few days.


Posted: 27/07/2007 - 0:04
by Razmo
*SHIVERS!* ... a lot of Ninja'ing and pirate'ing has been goin' on around here lately! :fear:

Posted: 27/07/2007 - 9:44
by leoni

Posted: 28/07/2007 - 0:58
by Analog-X64
I'm flying home tomorrow.......I may return next week not sure yet......

Posted: 28/07/2007 - 1:09
by Razmo
I'm flying home tomorrow.......I may return next week not sure yet......
:shock: You can fly also?

... naah, joke aside... not sure?... was it not good work or? :)

Posted: 29/07/2007 - 20:20
by Analog-X64
I'm...... I think the proper term would be knackered (hey its all you guy's fault if I'm starting to use non north american terms).

Anyways this is how my Friday started spilling into Saturday.

Friday: (Calgary Time - 2 Hours ahead of Toronto Time)
Woke up 4:30 AM got a bit of packing done.
Worked from 6:00AM to 6:00PM
Got back to Hotel around 6:30PM got something to eat.
Finished Packing around 8:00PM.
Tried to sleep no such luck, did some reading.
11:00PM Drove to Airport (Construction on Highway)
Barely made it!!! Plane had just started boarding when I made it to the gates.
Got mediocre sleep in Plane!!
Arrived in Toronto (6:00AM (4:00am Calgary Time)
Got home took a shower, took an hours nap than it was time to get some chores and this done. By the time I got back home it was 3:00PM.
Took a long nap and woke up around 8:00PM, ate something and went back to bed around 10:30PM.

So you can say my entire saturday was shot.

The way things were scheduled with Rotation in mind, I was down there for a week. I'm not 100% sure, but I think I will be flying back on Friday or Saturday but it will be a two week thing.

Got sort of a Job interview this Monday... I hope to land a more permanent job so i dont have to travel.

Posted: 30/07/2007 - 10:37
by leoni
:shock: Sounds like you need to be a ninja to be able to fix all that with your family and stuff also.