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Two new songs from KULING

Posted: 08/02/2008 - 10:14
by Andreas Wallström
We're back with two new songs: LÃ¥dbil and Den GÃ¥r Upp. We suggest that you listen to the tracks atleast 30 times each. It's going to make you feel good. Also, if you spread "" to more than ten people, an angel will watch over you and feed you with grapes for a solid week! How about that? Does KULING deliver the goods or what!?

Check out the new tunes at: and let us know what you think. Have a nice weekend and enjoy the music!

Re: First song from my band Kuling available

Posted: 08/02/2008 - 14:59
by Dafunk
yes! this is made my day! especially "Den Gar Upp", such a positive sounding track, it'll be a hit, just watch (erhm, listen)... :)
btw. is KULING on ratational on radios there?

Re: First song from my band Kuling available

Posted: 08/02/2008 - 15:07
by Chris Abbott
"I listened to Kuling 60 times and my scabs just dried up and fell off, leaving my skin coated with ambrosia" - a fan
"It was like sex with rabbits, only without the rabbits and with beautiful valkyrie maidens. With floppy ears" - another fan

Re: First song from my band Kuling available

Posted: 08/02/2008 - 22:17
by Analog-X64
My sex life improved after listening to those tracks...

Keep em coming.

Re: First song from my band Kuling available

Posted: 08/02/2008 - 22:32
by Chris Abbott
This got me so excited I had to get a visa for my spoo. ;-)


Re: First song from my band Kuling available

Posted: 10/02/2008 - 20:47
by Andreas Wallström
@DaFunk: Thanks for the kind comments! We're not on radio - yet, but today we got a small step closer to something that could turn into a record deal. A famous Swedish artist has shown interest, so we'll see what it will turn in to. Keep your fingers crossed!

@Chris: :) Fan testimonials like that is exactly what we need to make a carrer out of this. I will quote those fans when looking for gigs.

@Analog-X64: I'm really happy we could help in ways we never thought was possible. ;)

Re: First song from my band Kuling available

Posted: 24/02/2008 - 16:09
by madfiddler
Nice work matey :)