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Posted: 30/07/2003 - 16:42
by tas
ofcourse he doesn't... he's a journalist ;)

I can tell you many a story about these guys who promise everything but deliver nothing.

I ran around gaining lots of information, interviews and alsorts for a journalist only for it to come to nothing.

I'm sure your not the first or the last to be let down badly by such people. I know i have.

Posted: 31/07/2003 - 18:57
by Dr.Future
Believe it or not:

Some cool news on its way! 8)

Posted: 15/10/2003 - 8:57
by arvirus
i think now we can completely forget about the rtl2-report, volker? :cry:

Posted: 15/10/2003 - 11:13
by Dr.Future
Yeah, seems so... :cry:

Learned another lesson...

Posted: 15/10/2003 - 12:54
by Chris Abbott
> Learned another lesson...
What, don't run BIT Live? I never seem to learn that one... :oops:


Posted: 16/10/2003 - 7:05
by arvirus
Chris Abbott wrote:> Learned another lesson...
What, don't run BIT Live? I never seem to learn that one... :oops:
i think he meant: don't trust the false media-machinery!

Posted: 16/10/2003 - 9:00
by Chris Abbott
> think he meant: don't trust the false media-machinery!

Oh, that... I knew that... ;-)

Your new avatar looks very trendy, BTW. When's your first single? :)


Posted: 16/10/2003 - 9:37
by arvirus
Chris Abbott wrote:> think he meant: don't trust the false media-machinery!

Oh, that... I knew that... ;-)
Chris Abbott wrote: Your new avatar looks very trendy, BTW. When's your first single? :)
thanx! :) see me on TV in the next starsearch-season! :wink: