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Posted: 17/09/2003 - 17:53
by Bog
There wasn't a single "best moment" for me - it was just, quite simply, the best weekend I've had all year. There are things that will stick with me forever :)

And some, of course, that I'll need to have the beer-haze shoved aside by A/V recordings, but hey, we've all got failings... :p

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 17:56
by Vinny
so anyway Bog, what's this about the Wizball Video?


Posted: 17/09/2003 - 18:01
by Chappers
Darrenxyz wrote:
And of course being bought a drink by the biggest star of the show - Paul Chapman!

Aw shucks. Tis nothing :)

Though, last time I bought a drink for someone, the barman didn't accept Spanish doubloons (obscure Red Dwarf joke)

*does quick mime of wallet creaking open*


Worst moment of the event.....

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 19:07
by FromWithin
Worst moment was not actually buying a HardSID because I couldn't find where to buy it (where was it?), yet realising at the end of the night that I'd still managed to somehow plough through £200!

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 19:13
by Matrix
yeah it was dead easy to crank a decent size hole in ya wallet - but thats cos there was so much DAMN FINE STUFF TO BUY lol .....

Posted: 18/09/2003 - 0:48
by madfiddler
Best moments for me.

Gary Liddon buying me a drink, and Mark Stacey commenting I could get them, er, "cheaply", haha, sorry Gazza.

Er, oh dear, Garry, again, getting Mr. Bo Selector to say such things as "Sex Wee".

Andreas playing (easily) something he moaned that he couldn't play.

Rehersing for 7 hours, and then going back to my place with Ben and playing more.

Rob playing the intro to Monty on the Piano, with me on violin. In my younger years, this would have been a dream come true. It was still cool though.

Just the whole way the SID'80s just happened.

Playing with PPOT. These guys are so cool, they've come such a long way.

Chris, for just organising such an event. When I think about BIT1, there's just no comparison.

Worst moments.

Telling Chris that while two of the sound engineers where great, really helpful.... one of them was "acting like a complete c**t", and him over hearing me. First rule of gigging - NEVER upset the sound guy!

Hearing that the Hard Disk recorder has faulty, having already let Chris down on getting one, and then suggesting where to hire one from.

Not recognising, and therefore not talking to enough people. Next time, say hello everyone :)

I'm sure I'll think of more.

Posted: 18/09/2003 - 1:33
by Matrix
This was a common comment mark "not enough time to talk to ppl" and the other recurrant "we should have had name tags" - whats the betting we manage both next time round ;)

Posted: 18/09/2003 - 13:59
by Matrix
Ya welcome m8 :) - an off the cuff print very late at night .... struck me as common sense but glad it made your day... the timing was excellent really, i arrived there and started holding the sign just 2 minutes b4 you walked upto me. :D

Keep Rockin Bro ! :D

Posted: 18/09/2003 - 14:36
by david
Can't remember which was the best moment, but I do remember which was the worst :

I was getting an autograph from Martin Galway on a CD's cover and after he signed it he asked me something I didn't understand.... and again and again. Heh, my written english isn't that bad, but when it comes to listening, I need more practice ! I eventually got it the 3rd time, but it was embarassing.

Posted: 18/09/2003 - 14:38
by Vinny
what was you trying to asking him?

Posted: 18/09/2003 - 15:01
by david
It was him trying to ask me something : he signed on the CD's cover and was telling me he had signed on the image of the C64 with the same orientation, and was asking me if it was looking good that way

Posted: 19/09/2003 - 0:28
by Matrix
Sweet Choone - I remember the first time I heard it, I thought it was saying Domi.... Domi .... Domination....

PS - really sad nobody had tags on, I wanted a chat with slaygon lol - well Maybe at Bitlive 6 or 7 (depends if Volger does another Germany based one).