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Posted: 30/10/2003 - 17:28
by Vosla could smoke it from my four nipples...
Hmm, that sounds a bit like Max.

Posted: 30/10/2003 - 18:47
by ifadeo
Max ? Max Levin...???

i miss his funny postings, esp. his hamburg story was very funny.... :wink:

cheers 2Klang

Posted: 30/10/2003 - 18:58
by Sonic Wanderer
Hey, where *IS* Max nowadays?????

Posted: 30/10/2003 - 19:04
by Chris Abbott
> Hey, where *IS* Max nowadays?????

Yeah, I was expecting a BIT Live report to appear on this forum from him... Odd. Max, are you still there?


Posted: 30/10/2003 - 23:17
by tas
for those who cannot remember.. he banned himself. He's always welcome to un-ban himself at any point tho :)

Posted: 31/10/2003 - 20:06
by Tim Forsyth
Hello Mr Cow,

Nah,the format stuff doesn't help, the head banging doesn't help. All I'm left with is to visit a hardware store or something to get some swabs and alcohol based cleaning agent to clean the heads. Will try that tomorrow. But I don't really think that'll happen yet as I've been trying to sort this out all week, but the pub just got in the way - Damn you BEEEEER!!! And I'm out "programming" tomorrow too.

I tell you what tho. One thing thats really spurring me on to find out ( apart from playing my old demos, and some games), is that I saw a page someone posted here a few weeks ago, where a guy has re-created a load of intros in flash.

Well I saw one for Fusion (man and machine) and was convinced I wrote it. You know, its been a long long time since I did any C64 stuff (I was 15 after all! Called myself Tex). Got to find the source files to confirm that it was my intro (and the only thing I think that anyone would have seen by me). Can't remember the guy's name I was in touch with at the time - Mark le... something.

Ok, I think I had a few too many pints after work, so excuse the rant! bye now!


Posted: 03/11/2003 - 9:10
by Chris Abbott
Mmmm, radioactive alcoholic chocolate milkshake... :)

Posted: 03/11/2003 - 12:37
by Chappers
Chris Abbott wrote:Mmmm, radioactive alcoholic chocolate milkshake... :)
MuckDonalds serve something similar anyway (without the alcohol unfortunately. :)


Posted: 22/11/2003 - 18:59
by oneone2029
Tim Forsyth wrote:Hello Mr Cow,

Nah,the format stuff doesn't help, the head banging doesn't help. All I'm left with is to visit a hardware store or something to get some swabs and alcohol based cleaning agent to clean the heads. Will try that tomorrow.
Bit late now, haven't been on this board for months...(damn you work!).

My 1541 is similarly bad at reading disks, but something I did find was if you percivere with it, i.e. change the floppy and try re-reading it, eventually you may find the head clicks back into place and you can read the disk.

Then, I found that after this, if I used disks from the same manufacturer, they would all read perfectly.

It was only when trying a different brand of floppy I'd get problems again...

very odd, but I did manage to transfer most of my disks in the end by sticking to this method, I've only a dozen unbranded disks left now that the drive doesn't want to know about at all.