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Posted: 12/01/2003 - 12:51
by DHS
putzi wrote:There is no way to look inside a brain and see if there is the thought "I release my work in 128 Kbit to save it for a CD release that maybe happens sometime." It´s only some speculation, but you cannot prove it is not true.
Just for example:

Putzi, if i want i can release anything accepted by RKO @128Kbps and rerelease it on cd, and you have absolutely no right to say a word about my behauviour.

My work is only *my work* and i feel free to do what i want to do with it. And no one can in ant way point his finger at me and say anything.

I don't see the point in your statements. Are you accusing someone to have any other obscure target beside publishing mp3 on rko?
It could be. One can hope to become "the new DJ anything" on mtv.
One can believe to sell hundreds of cds. In any way, this isn't your business at all. You're enjoying for free days (if not weeks or months) of someone else work, so stop complaining and be happy.


Posted: 12/01/2003 - 13:11
by putzi
I only understand that you don´t understand me, so I´ll don´t waste any more time on this.

Posted: 12/01/2003 - 13:17
by Larsec
There is no way to look inside a brain and see if there is the thought "I release my work in 128 Kbit to save it for a CD release that maybe happens sometime." It´s only some speculation, but you cannot prove it is not true.
Noone has to prove that it is not true, you made the statement that means you have to prove that it is in fact true...
Even if you don´t hear artefacts, you cut the life partly out of a song by using only 128Kbit.
My upcoming Zoids mix is 9:30 minutes long. I was warned that many people who download still use normal modems which means they would have to spend a loooong time downloading the mix. I would make a 192kbit og higher version in a heartbeat and send it to someone if someone asked me to... Although I don't have a problem with listening to music in 128kbit, sounds just fine to me...

My comment was not limited to actual CD releases, it is more about people who think they will be the next "DJ Something" on MTV. Chris, you´re not going to tell me you believe everyone releasing on R64/RKO is an "open source musician" ?
Although directed at Chris I'll take a swing at this... What do you mean? If someone wants to share his remixes with others does he automatically have to put a note with every realease that tells exactly what he has done, with what, how and so on...? And then put the original mix file, from what ever sequencer/tracker he did the mix in, along as well? I don't know about everyone else on RKO, but I don't do that and I never will... If people ask me I will send them the "source-file" of my mix but only if it has already been released... Or have I completly misunderstood what you meant? If so, please clarify what it is you mean by "open source musician"

Posted: 12/01/2003 - 13:48
by Atroxis
Putzi: I can't get what all this fuzz is about! Hey, mp3@128 kbit/s is already near CD quality! And the musicans releasing there songs at RKO are doing so to give the preople the chance to listen to their songs for free. That's great! I don't care whether they are 128, 160, 192 or even higher bitrate - it's just great the songs are for free, and many of them are really good!

If a composer decides to release a CD: fantastic!

What's wrong, when he has got MP3s at RKO??? And even if he releases the same song on CD - not everybody prefers MP3 files on his harddisk!

And for the money: producing a CD is pretty expensive, and nobody can be sure he'll sell enogh copies to make some money out of it. Maybe I'll be making a CD, too! Not to become rich and famous, but producing my own CD is my personal milestone. And if I decide to put one or two mixes on it I've released on RKO (okay, they'll have to be composed first - I'm new to RKO) - what's wrong with that?


Open Source

Posted: 12/01/2003 - 15:02
by Chris Abbott
Incidentally, as an aside, I will soon be releasing many of the source files behind the CD tracks for general enjoyment and remixing, as well as MIDI and WAVs, as part of the repositioning of So although there will be a couple of strings attached (ask permission before using in commercial remix, for instance) it will be as near to open-source as you can reasonably expect except for the people producing XMs (for obvious reasons!). The MIDIs will also be tweaked to work properly as polyphonic ringtones. I'm not returning to many of the tracks, and even if I did, I don't think my returning to them would be harmed by people having access to the source.

Of course, people will have to put a lot of work in to reuse the stuff because they don't have same synths I have (unless they download the WAV snippets).

This is a step I was already taking, having backed up most of my sequencer files in preparation for giving to C64 hero Paul Kubiszyn to sort out. Though as with everything I do these days, it's taking a lot longer than I hoped.


Posted: 12/01/2003 - 15:14
by Dr.Future
Wow, that sounds totally awesome! :P
Learning from the master himself from scratch will be a huge support for all the newbees as for the veterans. That's a great decision you've made, Chris, many thanks in advance. I think it'll give the scene another boost... 8)

Open source

Posted: 12/01/2003 - 16:45
by putzi
Hey Doc, I have to second that. A real "Open Source" step from Chris. :-)
Sounds like there will be more good sound in the future ;-)

Re: Open source

Posted: 14/01/2003 - 12:15
by Makke
putzi wrote:Hey Doc, I have to second that. A real "Open Source" step from Chris. :-)
Sounds like there will be more good sound in the future ;-)
And who were the good guys again? :wink:

Posted: 14/01/2003 - 12:32
by putzi
I lost my line. Time to make a remix in Dolby Digital 5.1 instead.

Posted: 19/01/2003 - 11:19
by Trauma
Just a comment.

It is not totally impossible that PPOT will at some stage do another CD (Why? Because it's fun!!). IF we ever did that I would not doubt that "Ark Pandora" would be on it.

And if that makes us "the bad guys" then...

HURRAAAAHHH!!!! I always wanted to be a bad guy!!! Maybe we can get George Bush to mention us as some af the "Axis of Evil" guys!!! Suffer, mere mortals!!! Bow down to the evil overlords of PPOT!!!


Posted: 19/01/2003 - 11:32
by putzi
Hi Trauma,
that´s not exactly what I was refering to,
but anyway, take care: bad guys != evil guys ;-)

After all, I have to say that many of the contributors to this thread discussed it in a more German way (so to say: in a damned serious way) that I wanted to (although I´m German).

Don´t call me blonde! :-))))))

Posted: 19/01/2003 - 12:04
by Makke
putzi wrote:but anyway, take care: bad guys != evil guys ;-)
Well, as I now seem to be the head of the c64 mafia public relations department, I must admit that I love being evil. :wink:

Posted: 19/01/2003 - 12:13
by putzi
Right, Makke! :-)

Maybe I should include the picture of a big smiley in my signature.
Plus this text:
"This is Putzi. He writes from the lunatic asylum to us. His doctor says it improves the progress of recovering from his mental damage, but don´t count on it!" :D

Oh look, two cats fighting in the garden on the top of the fence:

Evil cats, ofcourse!


Posted: 19/01/2003 - 13:30
by Chris Abbott
Is it just me, or is everyone else just simply more Evil these days?

Oh well.

Mwoooha hahahahaaaaa!

Chris Abbott underground lair
No taiko drums allowed

Posted: 19/01/2003 - 14:16
by Makke
putzi wrote:Plus this text:
"This is Putzi. He writes from the lunatic asylum to us. His doctor says it improves the progress of recovering from his mental damage, but don´t count on it!" :D
No shit? That's pretty much what my doc said as well! What a coinsidence! Was it Dr.Phil from Ophra? He's the greatest! You just send your question in and he'll sort it out for you for NO MONEY AT ALL! Of course, the price is having your private life and mental instability splattered all over the TV but that seems to be a good thing these days...