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Posted: 28/11/2003 - 10:19
by merman
Bog, are you still interested in that idea we discussed at 1:20am? "The Little Book of Bog's Wisdom?" I'm sure it would be a best-seller! :wink:

Posted: 28/11/2003 - 18:17
by Bog
Bog, are you still interested in that idea we discussed at 1:20am? "The Little Book of Bog's Wisdom?" I'm sure it would be a best-seller!

Any conversation I have at 0120 hours, it's fairly safe to assume that I'm rat-arsed and won't remember it the following morning. The do what now?


Who? Whuh?

Won't somebody think of the children?

Posted: 01/12/2003 - 11:05
by merman
Hehe... it was shortly after you said goodbye to Mat "Mayhem" Allen by licking his face...

Posted: 01/12/2003 - 15:38
by Chappers
merman wrote:Hehe... it was shortly after you said goodbye to Mat "Mayhem" Allen by licking his face...
Considering it was about 1am in Brighton & Bog's own admission of intoxication at said hour, I think Mat got off quite lightly with a face licking :shock:


Posted: 03/12/2003 - 21:10
by Bog

So anyway... given that those engarms are *utterly erased* and might as well never have existed, what was I on about?

Posted: 04/12/2003 - 11:05
by merman
Basically, we were standing around in the lobby saying our goodbyes to each other, and you were "in your cups" as the saying goes... and I suggested that it would be nice to collect all your bon mots and words of wisdom into a little book to cash in on the publishing phenomenon of self-help manuals...
Bog wrote:Won't somebody think of the children?
Yes, we'll put out a pop-up book edition with lots of scary illustrations :wink:

Posted: 04/12/2003 - 16:14
by Bog
Good Gh0d, merman! What an idea! *laughing hard*

Given that I can't remember what I said, that might be tricky. Must use voice record functions more often ;)