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Posted: 02/10/2006 - 17:50
by Chris Abbott
Matrix wrote:Why not just use the same font ? The whole poster is just in one font, so it makes sense.
Seems sensible, doesn't it? :) Can we see it with that?


Posted: 02/10/2006 - 18:18
by Matrix
hell why not..


Posted: 02/10/2006 - 18:20
by Chris Abbott
I don't think anything more needs to be changed: winnar!

Anyone else disagree? :)

Posted: 02/10/2006 - 18:22
by Matrix
looks cleaner without the smoke..


Not sure about the black/blue color gradient either.. white text looks far better on blue. (the deck's off ctr too.. will fix that)


Looking at those spitz logo's too, I agree with theo... less is more.

Posted: 02/10/2006 - 18:29
by LMan

Posted: 02/10/2006 - 19:09
by Matrix
I've noticed some problems with the 64/deck too, perspective wise (didn't see it before), and the edges need softening out (especially the arm weight), and i need to polish off the bottom of the turntable, atm it looks borked. Thining about the blue to black thing, now I know why it doesnt fit, because it looks like loads of amiga demo's, but without the mirror effect at the bottom... totally wrong for the feel of this... being, well, C64 ! :shock: not amiga. Never realised that till now.

just thinking, does the blue in the C= look too bright or is it just me ? better as the background colour ?

Posted: 02/10/2006 - 22:15
by merman
Nope, I think it looks great with the bright blue, really draws the eye in to the C= logo...

Posted: 02/10/2006 - 23:46
by Matrix
MERMAN !!! DUDE !! where ya been man, not seen ya round in ages... :)

Posted: 03/10/2006 - 8:33
by Slaygon
So... Where can I actually see the poster? All tinypic URLs seems borked!

Posted: 03/10/2006 - 10:27
by merman
Matrix wrote:MERMAN !!! DUDE !! where ya been man, not seen ya round in ages... :)
Hi, basically...

Two weeks' holiday (down in Kent for 10 days, then up to Nuneaton to see my niece Emily, who is four weeks old today - no PC access in Kent, and only limited Net access at my brother's)

One week without PC (power supply blew up)

Last weekend - Retro Fusion Weekend of Gaming (which had been scaled down from an event to a social 'meet', but was still good fun)

Anyway, I'm back now.

Posted: 03/10/2006 - 11:45
by Matrix
@ Slaygon - maybe ther server is down or sumthin' - if it's not up by tonight i'll start using thumbnails and imagevenue.

@ Merman... 2 weeks without access..... I'D GO NUTS !!! :shock: sorry to hear about the deep fried supply. Glad ya back tho, place wasn't the same without yas ! 8)

Posted: 03/10/2006 - 12:32
by Sidman 64
Well ive just returned from my hols in Spain :)
Looking on here and seeing that Chris is back in business is great.
I knew he wasn't finished with the scene events :lol:
Just needed to recharge himself to come back with avengance :twisted:
Looking forward to this event.

Matrix Top poster !!! I think the top one on this page is the best with the multi coloured waves going through the deck 8)

Posted: 04/10/2006 - 13:41
by RetroMarkie
Matrix wrote:hell why not..

I have to say ... that fuckin amazing ... not that Im shocked casu anything that matrix draws is awesome! ... wow :-)

Posted: 04/10/2006 - 16:13
by Matrix
Err, i didnt draw anything...

Font by microsoft
Colour by the sun
C64 deck and layout by theo
Words by chris
Spits logo by spits
Swirls by grappa

The layout isn't mine either. The only work of mine there is a bit of a cleanup and colouring beige of the 64 deck.


Back when I posted samples before being begged to have them used, now that was mine...

Posted: 04/10/2006 - 16:20
by Chris Abbott
I feel much the same about some of the tracks on BIT 1: all I did was channel it together (when I went into the Wizball BIT 1 file, for instance, I was a bit shocked to realise how little there was to it). But it was still in some strange way "mine"... in this, there were a lot of little details and choices you made that allow the poster to "exist". Without you it wouldn't exist. Hence, it's yours. See? :)
