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Posted: 16/09/2004 - 14:30
by Waz
Paul Chapman wrote:It just means I get the chance to perfect my "hi, I'm Paul Chapman, you may remember me from such places as Remix64 and The Z-Show" schpiel. :)
Or "The Man With The "when I grow up I want to be Johannes Bjerr/Bjurr/Berry/ Rob Hubbard" t- shirt" :)

Posted: 16/09/2004 - 21:54
by Lee's PeeknPoke
Paul Chapman wrote:
Lee's PeeknPoke wrote:The thing is my memory is always shit for faces that I meet the first time (I think Paul Chapman always gets the "hi mate, have we met?" stuff of me, Paul please kick me next time matey, Im a nob) Just so many faces :D
Well, at least you're a friendly nob! :lol: :wink:

I think that's the 2nd time now that you have forgotten my name. :) I'm amused by it when you don't remember. It just means I get the chance to perfect my "hi, I'm Paul Chapman, you may remember me from such places as Remix64 and The Z-Show" schpiel. :)

sorry Mate, I forget my own name when on the piss :)


Posted: 17/09/2004 - 12:11
by hyperhack
Lee that wasnt you I saw in the corner of the masque haunt with the pints lined up was it? lol! :D

Posted: 20/09/2004 - 17:45
by Hacky
madfiddler wrote:You STILL haven't said what you play... music and instrument...

got a website with some mp3s? you got me intrigued boy... :)
I play with myself.<G>
I play solo and with various bands as listed above, instruments wise I'm a 'keyboard player' but I also play drums too, use computers to make music, as in soft-synths etc, and play a LITTLE guitar, and I also sing a little and play harmonica, and singing wise it's only backing really, I can sing lead but I have no real 'character' to my voice, so it's borring if I do.

Got no site up worth showing really, not publically anyways, still gotta make a 'proper' one, but if you knew me you'd know I'm likely to die of old age before this happens. I'm not at home at mo as I'm away with work, living in a seedy hotel, but I got an MP3 of my stuff on my iPod, by sheer fluke, I dunno how it even got on there but I know she's there, so I'll just put it up here so you can listen, but, it doesn't really represent 'me and my music' as I do a real variety of stuff and this is kind of pop rock stuff, I'm playing drums on this one btw. Was recorded live so the engineering isn't amazing, I did some EQing etc to it after to try and improve matters, both vers are there on the link. I think you said someplace you're on a modem? So I've taken them down to a lower bit rate to keep the file sizes smaller for you.

Purple Clothes

Posted: 21/09/2004 - 22:36
by StarshipUK
During the Stuck in D'80s set, was Ben wearing Mark's shirt?

Or was it just chance that Mark was wearing Purple trousers and a Purple hat but not a Purple shirt, and Ben was wearing a Purle shirt, but nothing else Purple?

Posted: 22/09/2004 - 23:15
by madfiddler
Haha, well spotted.

and here's the proof!!


Posted: 23/09/2004 - 8:41
by merman
The future's bright... the future's PURPLE?

Posted: 23/09/2004 - 9:08
by madfiddler
It sure is ;)

Glad no-one noticed that it's not actually a shirt at all... but a blouse :lol:

Posted: 23/09/2004 - 9:14
by merman
So now we can call you a big blouse-wearing GIRL then? :wink:

Posted: 23/09/2004 - 9:27
by madfiddler
I guess :?

Posted: 23/09/2004 - 15:32
by merman
Hey, just kidding! You could have come on wearing flip flops and a hockey mask, it doesn't matter... the music is what's important!

Posted: 24/09/2004 - 7:39
by StarshipUK

So we now know that Ben was wearing Mark's Blouse/Shirt, but who was wearing Ben's Shoes :)

Posted: 24/09/2004 - 9:21
by madfiddler
haha :)

Posted: 24/09/2004 - 9:57
by Bog
Hockey mask.... hmmmmmm.....

*engages Evil Plotting Mode*

Posted: 24/09/2004 - 15:36
by Feekzoid
Just thought I'd add that I thought C64 mafia's performance was great too. Not a big fan of "breakdance" - but I thought the Forbidden Forest rap was excellent.

Totally forgot to say hello to Makke when I was there too, dammit.

Tho I'm tempted to get a hitman contract out on him for having taken the worst photo of me ever EVER.

