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Posted: 24/09/2004 - 16:31
by madfiddler
Hacky wrote:
Had a listen... thanks to your prompting... sorry about that :oops:

Hehe, at first I thought you were taking the mik with the atonal stuff, but I actually quite like the track.. Love the sound. Not such a fan of the vocals which are a ordinary to say the least...

The EQ mix is definately better for my ears.. Great sax playing in there too :)

Posted: 24/09/2004 - 17:34
by Hacky
madfiddler wrote:Hehe, at first I thought you were taking the mik with the atonal stuff, but I actually quite like the track.. Love the sound. Not such a fan of the vocals which are a ordinary to say the least...

The EQ mix is definately better for my ears.. Great sax playing in there too :)
The track is a kind of piss take in a way, the lyrics etc, and re sax, it's a clarinet.

Posted: 24/09/2004 - 18:59
by madfiddler
Clarinet? wow it sounded like a Soprano sax to me :( bugger :oops:

Posted: 30/09/2004 - 3:36
by tony.rc
Copenhagen 2005? I remember reading something about being in 2006.

Secondly some of you guys should consider writing novels for a living!

Posted: 30/09/2004 - 5:37
by Matrix
No time for novels - ill have to stick with designing posters ;) - speaking of which the new one is available from Kenz's BINARY ZONE shop now :D - A2 baby, stick it in a frame ! :D Looks AWESOME !!!!