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Posted: 07/10/2004 - 10:09
by Kenz
Mmmm! I second the Sanxion Loader choice. Bit of an obvious pick maybe but after hearing Peppy perform the lead on the Cello I just know it would sound gorgeous with a bit of mad fiddling. :)

(oo-er!) :D

Posted: 07/10/2004 - 10:54
by hyperhack
A slow instrumental of the Stormlord intro would be awesome with Marks fiddling talents! oooh-errrr! :lol:

* stormlord till I die *
* annoying game, sodding great music! *


Posted: 08/10/2004 - 9:27
by madfiddler
Cheetor wrote:Time for you guys to do an album maybe?! 8)
We've discussed it, but it's a bit impractical for us... However, perhaps we can do something with the live stuff recorded....
Mmmm! I second the Sanxion Loader choice. Bit of an obvious pick maybe but after hearing Peppy perform the lead on the Cello
Pray tell, I haven't heard that...
A slow instrumental of the Stormlord intro
Mmm, I quite like that track too.



Posted: 08/10/2004 - 10:14
by Kenz
Give this track on RKO a whirl to hear Peppy on the Cello:-

Sanxion Extended (Peppy)

The Cello sections are GORGEOUS - especially with the girly gasp thrown in.

Ahhh, SID remixes. Gotta luv 'em. :)

Posted: 08/10/2004 - 10:22
by Makke
Don't you guys dare to play Sanxion without me! Damn you! Damn you all! :lol:

Posted: 08/10/2004 - 10:38
by madfiddler
Makke wrote:Don't you guys dare to play Sanxion without me! Damn you! Damn you all! :lol:
Of course not my friend :)

That cello is nice. So who'se Peppy then?