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Posted: 12/09/2005 - 15:43
by Matrix
2 Days after the wedding..... a garter is found that doesnt belong to the bride.....

Pans start flying.....


*pok pok pok pok DER DER Da DERR* * DAY A DAY-OH*


Posted: 12/09/2005 - 19:11
by tas
Andreas Wallström wrote:We do bar mitsvas, pool parties, weddings, wet t-shirt contests, parties on the beach, and oh, retro and gaming events.

Get in touch NOW!
funny you say that... i do bra misfits here ;)

Posted: 12/09/2005 - 19:15
by Mayhem
Caption contest time... what has Bog done to Amy? :P

As for Feeblez... well need you say more (and yes I did promise to upload this, but please try hosting it yourselves as well if you want to spread it about, I'm not sure how much bandwidth my host will allow me to take!) ...

Posted: 12/09/2005 - 19:50
by Driller
As for Feeblez... well need you say more (and yes I did promise to upload this, but please try hosting it yourselves as well if you want to spread it about, I'm not sure how much bandwidth my host will allow me to take!)
Bez :)

Posted: 12/09/2005 - 20:46
by Jan Lund Thomsen
Another top moment was the security officer at Manchester Airport doing a routine check, looking at my t-shrit and going "Remix ... Ka-wed ... Org?", which naturally set off my usual propaganda pitch.

Turned out that he still had his C64 - and was quite surprised to hear there's a thriving retro/remix community - so hopefully he'll be downloading mp3s by now. :D

Posted: 12/09/2005 - 20:48
by Driller
so hopefully he'll be downloading mp3s by now. Very Happy
He'll be requesting tracks on the next Slay Radio live show soon :)

Posted: 12/09/2005 - 20:48
by Jan Lund Thomsen
He's got the potential to become bigger than the Star Wars Kid, I tell you. :D

Posted: 12/09/2005 - 20:50
by Subzero
oh - was nice to meet you Jan!!!!

Posted: 12/09/2005 - 21:07
by Bog
Righty.... Feeblez.

He's never been to one of these events before, and to be honest, I'm not sure I like the tone a bunch of people are taking over it... I haven't seen a post from him since, and I'm a bit concerned because of that.

We all get rat-arsed sometimes, especially if we've never been to one of these things before. Hell, I still get over-giddy and a bit too sloshed and make an arse of myself. But Feeblez, for all his lurching, didn't cause any trouble and he didn't yammer away at the top of his lungs all through the music. Unlike some wankers. So a bit of gentle ribbing is fine, but give the man a break, OK? He's a lovely bloke, and a genuinely talented 3D coder - he does stuff with OpenGL that turned my eyebrows white.

I'm saying this here 'n' now 'cause he doesn't post here, and doesn't have a voice on this board. The man's OK, he just didn't know his drink tolerance is all. We've all been there - several times in my case, and I ought to have bloody learned by now! ;)

Subby, can you crosspost this on YakYak in any relevant thread, please? I've had my account there de-activated and I feel confident that there must be a similar thread over there.

Anyway... he's a good bloke who got a bit pissed. I'd like a quiet word with whoever started the rumour that he's got any kind of "learning disability" because he's a damn sight brighter than I am, and I'm not thick.

My drinking habits notwithstanding.

End of diatribe.

Posted: 12/09/2005 - 21:18
by Subzero
Bog consider it done :)
his dancing was how can i put it.....'feeble'


Posted: 12/09/2005 - 21:28
by Driller
Fair enough.

We've all been there and all done things when we're pissed. I was more worried that he would have knocked something over or hurt himself to be honest.

And I agree with Bog on this - the people who were talking loudly throughout most of the gig were FAR more disruptive to my evening.

Posted: 12/09/2005 - 21:38
by tas
I once ran down the street with a pair of underpants on my head nakid and shouted "I'm Mr floppy!"

but thats another matter!... anyway forget that!

Posted: 12/09/2005 - 21:49
by Mayhem
Indeed... enough people asked me to post the vid, hence it is here, but the bloke was fine in my book (spent 15 mins chatting to him pre dance action) and apart from being obviously over the limit, nothing else wrong.

And yeah, he was doing his own thing but not interfering with the performance unlike the people who were yapping away... whoever they were.

Posted: 12/09/2005 - 21:52
by Bog
whoever they were.
I've got a little list, oh I've got a little list - and no-one shall be missed....