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Posted: 03/10/2005 - 19:21
by Zzapback
Yeah thanx Chris for all your hard work, really enjoyed the cd's and the two BIT concerts I was able to attend!
I'm so unbelievable grateful I just ordered the DVD! (at last!) :D Looking forward to it!

Now, please don't tell me there's no appearance of the notorious Rob Hubbard Maskâ„¢ on it! :twisted: Nyaargh!

Posted: 03/10/2005 - 19:34
by Subzero
there's no appearance of the notorious Rob Hubbard Maskâ„¢ on it

someone else has told you instead :)

Posted: 03/10/2005 - 23:03
by Matrix
It's on my covers.

see sig.

Posted: 04/10/2005 - 1:18
by tony.rc
What can I say say that already has not been said. So I'll express my thanks to Chris, Neil, all the BIT artists, all the people I met at Brighton 2004 and to Boz and the DVD crew!

Posted: 05/10/2005 - 12:36
by Tonka
Spank you, Chris.

Spank you very much :lol:


Posted: 05/10/2005 - 13:42
by Chris Abbott
Tonka wrote:Spank you, Chris.

Spank you very much :lol:

/me is spanked ;)

Posted: 05/10/2005 - 14:04
by Sonic Wanderer
Hey, *I* do the spanking around here!!

Here's some more spanks, Chris.


All bow to the divine Mr.*looks up the bloke in the members directory* Oh, it's Abbott. :worship:

Official abbot in the divine church of SID.

Posted: 05/10/2005 - 14:19
by Chris Abbott
Sonic Wanderer wrote:Hey, *I* do the spanking around here!!

Here's some more spanks, Chris.


All bow to the divine Mr.*looks up the bloke in the members directory* Oh, it's Abbott. :worship:

Official abbot in the divine church of SID.
/me is spanked twice, religiously

Posted: 20/10/2005 - 7:29
by Zzapback
Zzapback wrote: I'm so unbelievable grateful I just ordered the DVD! (at last!) :D Looking forward to it!

Now, please don't tell me there's no appearance of the notorious Rob Hubbard Maskâ„¢ on it! :twisted: Nyaargh!
Hi Chris & co,
any idea when it's about to arrive? (ordered two weeks ago)

Jumping with joy. :D

(toing, toing, toing)

Posted: 20/10/2005 - 7:33
by Chris Abbott
It was posted at the beginning of last week (possibly a day or two later), so it should have been there by now :(

Stupid f*$%£(*%£($%&*£%(*($*(*(* postal systems...

Oh, btw, Vosla, the payment came through fine.

Can you confirm your shipping address by email?


Posted: 20/10/2005 - 10:58
by Zzapback
ah well, no worries! (yet)
could take aeons to get to Holland, hehe. Used to it.

(Retro Gamer took 3 weeks to get here, totally knackered and all that)

Ta! :D

Posted: 20/10/2005 - 12:01
by Max Levin
On behalf of swedish gaming magazine Super Play:
"Thumbs up for Chris Abbott
The man who keeps the Commodore 64-scene alive"

Posted: 20/10/2005 - 14:19
by Chris Abbott
Max Levin wrote:On behalf of swedish gaming magazine Super Play:
"Thumbs up for Chris Abbott
The man who keeps the Commodore 64-scene alive"
Heartwarming, if a bit over-reaching :)

I had to put an extra sentence on the DVD site to emphasise that disk 1 is playable on normal players now: Tommy Rydling will put that correction in next month's.


Posted: 20/10/2005 - 17:28
by LMan
Tom Riddle??? :fear:

Okay okay, that one was really poor...

Posted: 20/10/2005 - 17:34
by Chris Abbott
LMan / Remix64 wrote:Tom Riddle??? :fear:

Okay okay, that one was really poor...
I thought you weren't going to mention that name!!!
