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Posted: 08/11/2005 - 16:09
by Chris Abbott
DHS wrote:fantastic girls (in Denmark! WOW!).
Officially, I'm not supposed to notice, but I've never been to a country with so many perky, attractive, intelligent women.... :oops:


Posted: 08/11/2005 - 16:12
by DHS
Yep, exactly the same feeling.

Posted: 08/11/2005 - 16:23
by Matrix
Guess where I want to go on holiday in 2006 :D

Posted: 08/11/2005 - 18:54
by trace
I say AMAIZING!!!! Finaly i have met you really nice guys!!!

Finaly i made it to one of these events althought i allmost didn't make it cause my car broke down half way down there but luckily i could borrow a car where they fix my car (really speciall greetings to them!!!!) I allmost got nuts :duh: asking them "do you have a car to lend us?? YOU MUST HAVE A CAR!!!!" and they had one, and the smallest of them all, we felt like giants in that one :shock:

I thought i would be nervous meeting you all but it went really well, even the english went well i think? ;)

The concert was really top stuff, seeing all of the groups performing and not least Rob Hubbard and MadFiddler!!!!! WOW! :)

I have about 91min of recording from some groups that i will transfere to my computer soon :)
Andreas: Sorry i missed you drum solo :cry: maybe next time? :)

Will be fun to put one film piece when Andreas, Kenz and Makke danced like crazy to Jeroen Tel's dj'ing hehe :twisted:

Also it was great to meet musician Olof Gustafsson, really nice guy :)

Great event PPOT!

And i hadn't even i my wildest dreams thought that i would be in a pub with Rob Hubbard 8)

Speciall greetings goes to my roomates Ziphoid, o2 and my sis Lia (Who i didn't thought would show up until Zihopid drove up next to me while i was driveing down and i saw Lia beside him, i allmost drove of the road, i got so supprised ;) )

Posted: 08/11/2005 - 19:31
by madfiddler
merman wrote: Mark's top tips for making a gig go smoothly:
- don't forget your sheet music
- don't take off your prescription sunglasses
- don't forget to take your violin on stage with you :D
Lol, that's about the size of it... haha. Oh well, gave me something to talk about :)

Posted: 08/11/2005 - 19:48
by Makke
trace wrote:Will be fun to put one film piece when Andreas, Kenz and Makke danced like crazy to Jeroen Tel's dj'ing hehe
Hahaha, yeah! That'll be fun to see! I think they should make that dance part of the Friskis & Svettis workout pass, because it was quite exhausting. ;)

Posted: 08/11/2005 - 20:09
by StormKeeper
Chris Abbott wrote:
DHS wrote:fantastic girls (in Denmark! WOW!).
Officially, I'm not supposed to notice, but I've never been to a country with so many perky, attractive, intelligent women.... :oops:


I'm inclined to agree! I'm surprised my jaw isn't permenantly wide open!

PS: The concert was great, glad I went :)

Posted: 09/11/2005 - 16:53
by pfk
The concert was fantastic, and I'm really glad we went!

I wasn't quite sure what to expect from all the bands, but everything turned out to be absolutely briliant:

Visa Röster: Unfortunately most of their performance dissappeared in crowd noise, even though we were standing pretty close to the stage. The bits and pieces we could here were great, and the rap performance rocked! Nice scrolly :)

Axes Denied: THE positive surprise of the evening. The two mp3s showed a lot of promise, but the live performance turned out to be even better. Particularly enjoyed the Ocean Loader medley. I'd definitely buy an Axed Denied album. Guitar / keyboard levels seemed a bit off at times, but that's what happens live. Fantastic!

Rob & Mark: Crowd noise - again :( Kinda short set that left me wanting more. Forgetting the sheets for Human Race turned out to be a great idea :)

SID80s: Heard them for the first time, and can't wait for their next show. Great musicians, and a really funky groove. You guys should do more Bjerregaard - he's got that perfect jazz funky sound :) I used to play drums myself, and thought Andreas did a really great job keeping it together with so many "solo" artists ;)

PPoT: Great show, and an excellent pop-rock SID selection. I think the instumental tracks work better than the ones with vocals, and the finale with Rob & co. gave me goosebumps!

Jeroen Tel: By the time JT got on we were completely worn out, and could only stay a short time before heading back to the hotel. Too bad, because the beefed up SID and dance groove worked really well! Has he been doing new SID material, or was that 3rd or 4th tune (the multi-speed one) by someone else? If anybody's got a recording of the set I'd love to get my hands on that!

All in all, thanks to PPoT for making this happen. Hope it's a financial success as well. I'll be back for sure if there's ever another show!

It was nice to see so many people in real life, even though I didn't actually take my chance on talking to anyone. Maybe next time, if Jan keeps his RKO t-shirt on :)

Copenhagen rocks!

- pfk

Posted: 09/11/2005 - 17:23
by Jan Lund Thomsen
pfk wrote:It was nice to see so many people in real life, even though I didn't actually take my chance on talking to anyone. Maybe next time, if Jan keeps his RKO t-shirt on :)
Ehm ... I kept it on all night. Plus I should be fairly recognizable from my avatar piccy. You'll have to come up with a better excuse. :D

Posted: 09/11/2005 - 17:36
by Chris Abbott
Jan Lund Thomsen wrote:
pfk wrote:It was nice to see so many people in real life, even though I didn't actually take my chance on talking to anyone. Maybe next time, if Jan keeps his RKO t-shirt on :)
Ehm ... I kept it on all night. Plus I should be fairly recognizable from my avatar piccy. You'll have to come up with a better excuse. :D
"He was young. He needed the money" :)

Posted: 09/11/2005 - 18:23
by beyond
pfk: Well, I can tell you that we put this event together financially so that if we had a little less than full house we would reach break-even. Any possible earnings are divided between the performers---everybody were playing for free that night, remember. In other words Jesper and I (us bossing the event) have been forced to be extremely careful concerning expenses (mainly venue, security, air fare, hotel & hostels).

Jesper and I have spent tons of hours on this event (even cut hours from work---that's expensive on another level :) ), so the hourly pay (if any) is really really really ridiculously low---if not a negative number. But our main attack strategy on this event was to make a cool event that would not be expensive ticket-wise. We hope it was :-)

The next event, if we decide to make one, might be at a more expensive venue and thus have a little more expensive tickets.

Short version: If we made any money, we are giving it to SID80s, Visa Röster, AxesDenied, Jeroen, Rob and a little to ourselves.

Posted: 10/11/2005 - 8:12
by pfk
Jan Lund Thomsen wrote:
pfk wrote:It was nice to see so many people in real life, even though I didn't actually take my chance on talking to anyone. Maybe next time, if Jan keeps his RKO t-shirt on :)
Ehm ... I kept it on all night. Plus I should be fairly recognizable from my avatar piccy. You'll have to come up with a better excuse. :D
I did see you there - I just didn't know what to say without seeming like some deranged fan-boy :D

Btw. Any chance you've got some concert clips to play on the next podcast?

- pfk

Posted: 10/11/2005 - 9:00
by Jan Lund Thomsen
pfk wrote:I did see you there - I just didn't know what to say without seeming like some deranged fan-boy :D
"Hi" usually works. Especially if followed up with "Can I get you a beer?" :D
pfk wrote:Btw. Any chance you've got some concert clips to play on the next podcast?
I'll try pulling some strings with my SLAY Radio connections for the source material. So if PPOT and any of the performing artists are okay with me playing bits of it on the podcast, please let me know.

Right now I have to wait for the flu I caught on Sunday to wear off, tho. =/

Posted: 10/11/2005 - 9:21
by Boz

I'm a bit late getting into this (thanks to Real Life), but I just wanted to thank the PPOT guys and all the performers for all their hard work and effort to make CRC'05 such an amazing event!

The gig was excellent, and the venue was the right size to feel "intimate" but still fit upwards of 300 people in. I love that sort of venue.

Good to meet everyone again - and sorry to those I missed (there were a few unfortunately).

Excellent stuff... when's the next one?! ;)

Posted: 10/11/2005 - 12:29
by o2
Jan Lund Thomsen wrote:
Right now I have to wait for the flu I caught on Sunday to wear off, tho. =/
Jan, Are you sure its not the Julebryg flu from Friday? ;)