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Posted: 31/05/2006 - 18:56
by Jan Lund Thomsen
(name removed) wrote:You don't seems to understand it, same for Ziphoid. That's not the main reason, I start this thread. I did it to collect opinions what's to change in future for a better show or more global interest.
Yes, but you also said "I've been doing this for years", thus implying that you think yourself perfectly capable of creating what the listener wants. In which case you wouldn't need to collect opinions from the board.

And I can't see how the wish for "more global interest" is compatible with your original ambition to provide a German-language radio station. Fair enough if you've changed your mind, but atleast admit to it and start doing your shows in English (or Chinese, since there's also a lot of those people around).

Posted: 31/05/2006 - 19:13
by tas
Can't help but 100% agree with the wise words of Ziphod. I'm not sure if it's because of the language barrier but you have made yourself seem a little "know it all".

There's been ALOT and i mean ALOT of constructive thinking on this thread and you've not exactly embrassed the views very possitively but infact made excuses and then gone on to say.."look, i'm no newbie! i know what i am doing!"

Posted: 31/05/2006 - 22:04
by Waz
(name removed) wrote: You don't seems to understand it, same for Ziphoid.
Far be it for me to say, but to be honest, you're not the one understanding here, I'm afraid. Ziphoid made some very good and valid points in his post, while remaining objective and constructive. No matter what you think, if you say statements like "I've been doing this for 16 years" the reaction you'll get will be one of "Oh, so you know best and will ignore all our advice because it means nothing then and we've wasted our time".
(name removed) wrote:I did it to collect opinions what's to change in future for a better show or more global interest.
And we've tried to be constructive to try to help you out what you might wish to do. After all, why else would I say for example "maybe get one of your fans to help you with the language barrier"? You admitted yourself that was an issue. So if someone you know could do the translation better, that takes time off your hands. Time you can spend working on other aspects of the shows etc. A fan of your shows might also see that as a nice way of helping out and giving something back. And that makes them feel like more involved too.

Never be afraid to ask, no matter how much experience you may have. Sometimes it's better to do that than to appear conceited and say "I know it all".

Yet at the same time, you seem to reject constructive feedback in order to insult the very people who are trying to help you out. You might not have intended that with the language barrier, but it's clear that you've wound people up the wrong way.

What I would do is to start work on the constructive feedback you have here, and look at improving the show. Language should be the first priority to work on, so that your potential audience grows. Then after that, work on the variety of shows and enhance the experience by giving the user added value information in between tunes played, for example.

Posted: 01/06/2006 - 0:55
I see that some guys are really willing to help but what we really need at the moment is at least one DJ with good spoken English!!!

Unfortunately there was no serious mented offer yet but I think that would be make many things much easier and much more interesting for several people here. :?

So, if anybody thrusting us and even matter whether they are from Slay or just Newbie with some basic knowings about making radio, interesting for the music like we do...then just do it and write a PM or mail to info@radio-(name removed).de

I'm sure there're many solutions leading to the goal but I think that would be the first for now...if you really want to help us. :roll:

Thank you!

Posted: 01/06/2006 - 6:40
by Analog-X64
for the past year I have been working away from home and when I do get to fly home a couple of times a month, I want to spend time with my family.

On the road I'm working 12-16 Hour days and when I get back to my hotel i usualy just go straight to bed, even if I wanted to listen to Podcasting or any kind of Radioshow the internet connections here are a joke.

So at the moment I dont even listen to SlayRadio.

Now as for advice. You need to figure out which audience you want to target.

You can do a German Only show in which case you need to join German Websites / Forums and advertise. Starting looking back what the C64 Scene was in Germany. Where are all those coders/hackers etc...? I'm sure they are in there Early or Mid 30's and would enjoy what your show has to offer.

If you want to do a Global show, than you have to accept the fact that the Majority of your audience will want to hear it in English.

If speaking english is a problem for you, than you either have to work hard and brush up on your english and improve it. Or Start Recruting DJ's who can speak english fluintly, and have them be the front men/women for the show while you take care of the technical stuff in the background.

Now if I was home and knew was going to be home for a long time I would offer to help.

Posted: 01/06/2006 - 16:59
by weblaus
Chris Abbott wrote:And while I'm about it I spent years on my shop at, and STILL a lot more people buy at Shall I shut down my shop? Are you HAPPY THEN?
But I buy at your place despite there being geographically closer opportunitys I could get the CDs from.

That said, while I obviously would understand German DJs, I personally am very much turned off by the attitude (name removed) desplays here constantly, so I see no reason why I shouldn't stick to Slay Radio.

Posted: 01/06/2006 - 17:06
by Chris Abbott
weblaus wrote:
Chris Abbott wrote:And while I'm about it I spent years on my shop at, and STILL a lot more people buy at Shall I shut down my shop? Are you HAPPY THEN?
But I buy at your place despite there being geographically closer opportunitys I could get the CDs from.

That said, while I obviously would understand German DJs, I personally am very much turned off by the attitude (name removed) desplays here constantly, so I see no reason why I shouldn't stick to Slay Radio.
Heh, I would have put a smiley in but that would have ruined the pisstakeiness of that particular post :) Hope you didn't think I was serious!

And thanks for your custom, btw. Very much appreciated the sentiment in the ole' Immortal 3 thread.


Posted: 01/06/2006 - 17:15
by weblaus
Chris Abbott wrote:Heh, I would have put a smiley in but that would have ruined the pisstakeiness of that particular post :) Hope you didn't think I was serious!
Nah, no problem there, I understood your intentions just right.. I pride myself on being reasonably fluent in English (at least in the read/write department), including recognition of irony and similar sentiments. :)
And thanks for your custom, btw. Very much appreciated the sentiment in the ole' Immortal 3 thread.
It's my pleasure to support the godfather of C64 remixing :)

Posted: 01/06/2006 - 17:17
by weblaus
(name removed) wrote:I see that some guys are really willing to help but what we really need at the moment is at least one DJ with good spoken English!!!
I'm still not getting what the point is of trying to get non-Germans to listen when you're not even reaching you're potential native audience to any reasonable degree.

Posted: 01/06/2006 - 18:48
weblaus wrote:
Chris Abbott wrote:Heh, I would have put a smiley in but that would have ruined the pisstakeiness of that particular post :) Hope you didn't think I was serious!
Nah, no problem there, I understood your intentions just right...
Sorry, I don't partly.
I'm still not getting what the point is of trying to get non-Germans to listen when you're not even reaching you're potential native audience to any reasonable degree.
Thrust me, I know what I do...
And I post this not without a reason. I just keep waiting until someone is jumping over his own shadow and getting own initiative, not only promissing...

Posted: 01/06/2006 - 18:56
by Chris Abbott
(name removed) wrote:Sorry, I don't partly.
You don't? You should get out more.
Thrust me, I know what I do...
No, that's the other thread.


Posted: 01/06/2006 - 18:59
Which one???

Show me, please...

Posted: 01/06/2006 - 19:01
by Chris Abbott
(name removed) wrote:Which one???

Show me, please...

y'see, you spelt "trust" wrong and... and... and...

Curse my inner sarcasm and pedantry, it comes to no good I tells you...

Posted: 01/06/2006 - 19:03
by Jan Lund Thomsen
(name removed) wrote:
weblaus wrote:I'm still not getting what the point is of trying to get non-Germans to listen when you're not even reaching you're potential native audience to any reasonable degree.
Thrust me, I know what I do...
Phew! That's a relief. For a moment you had me fooled.

And since you know what you do, you no longer need the good people on this board answering your questions. I can't wait for the remixes to start flooding in now that people will have spare time on their hands.

Posted: 01/06/2006 - 19:31
The only thing I need at the moment is active and interested users being prepared for something new, something different.
Chris wrote: Curse my inner sarcasm and pedantry, it comes to no good I tells you...
That's what I mean...and I'm completely incompatible which such "sarcastic" actions. :?