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Posted: 01/05/2007 - 18:31
by cpt_chaos
dan gillgrass wrote:I feel left out.... :shock:
yeah me too. :( I didn't even get a Dr.Masturbate

Posted: 01/05/2007 - 19:18
by seVeneleVen
cpt_chaos wrote:
dan gillgrass wrote:I feel left out.... :shock:
yeah me too. :( I didn't even get a Dr.Masturbate
... log into his chat, have some own opinions (different from his ones :wink: ) -> feel the pain. :twisted: :wink:

Posted: 01/05/2007 - 19:23
by Chris Abbott
.. then post it here. In the interests of transparency. I wouldn't want anything to happen behind anyone's backs. That would be most improper.

Oh yeah, Manuel: email headers. Heard of them? *sheesh*

Posted: 01/05/2007 - 19:24
by dan gillgrass
He has chat.. let me drink a few more then tell me the address..... ;)

Posted: 01/05/2007 - 19:26
by seVeneleVen
Chris Abbott wrote:.. then post it here. In the interests of transparency. I wouldn't want anything to happen behind anyone's backs. That would be most improper.
... it is about a year or so since he "left me alone" ... so, i'm happy. :D

it was in time of the "skyscraper - (name removed) - war" ... lman knows the story.

Posted: 01/05/2007 - 20:20
by Tonka
Dr. Masturbate! LOL! That's one of the funniest things I have ever read! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Poor soul!

Kindest regards,

Mr. Quim Tickle

Posted: 01/05/2007 - 20:21
by xo
Tonka, your God name will be Forums Dr. Masturbate :lol:

Posted: 01/05/2007 - 20:44
by Ziphoid
So, I did a thing that I probably shouldn't have, namely wandered into Radio (name removed)' IRC chat and I'll post the log here, exactly how it happened.

I also had a brief PM chat with Manuel, but it doesn't bring anything to this all, so I won't post it here.

I won't lock this thread, but I think we should just drop it now. It's not worth being annoyed over.

Code: Select all

[21:22] *** Channel mode is +ntr 
[21:28] <(name removed)> And now? 
[21:29] <(name removed)> I give you 2 Minutes for showing your identity. 
[21:29] *** RP-Besucher is now known as Ziphoid 
[21:29] <Ziphoid> Will that do? 
[21:29] <(name removed)> I knew it. 
[21:30] <(name removed)> What you telling next? 
[21:30] <(name removed)> Making still more destruction than already done? 
[21:30] <(name removed)> Go ahed...I don't have a reason te register again. 
[21:30] <Ziphoid> Well, I'm not the one making destruction. I'm just sad about how you've handled things.  
[21:31] <Ziphoid> We've given you MORE than enough chances. 
[21:31] <Ziphoid> ...and to be honest, I think Chris has been totally TOO kind towards you. 
[21:31] <(name removed)> I ask you again: WHERE...WHERE are the technical prove for that shit? 
[21:32] <(name removed)> I also have a personal good behaviour to him 
[21:32] <(name removed)> at least util today. 
[21:32] <(name removed)> +n 
[21:32] <Ziphoid> Well, I haven't looked deeper into it since I'm leaving this up to Chris, so I let him handle it. 
[21:32] <Ziphoid> Anyhow, I didn't come in here to make a mess. I got kinda curious why you joined #SLAYRadio yesterday and left when I showed myself. 
[21:32] <(name removed)> I'm very dissapinted. 
[21:33] <(name removed)> dissapointed 
[21:33] <(name removed)> At least you've ge a new record for your forum visitors. 
[21:33] <(name removed)> My congratulations. 
[21:34] <Ziphoid> Huh? 
[21:34] <(name removed)> I joined very shortly. 
[21:34] <(name removed)> To say hello and good bye. 
[21:34] <(name removed)> but with the same ident I did currently in message board. 
[21:35] <Ziphoid> So I noticed. 
[21:35] <Ziphoid> Well, I'm not trying to make any more mess out of this, but I guess our ways separate here. 
[21:35] <(name removed)> Oh cool...SevenEleven is strike again (after being away for over 3 months). 
[21:36] <(name removed)> I didn't have a good behaviour to him. But if I am the new objective like now they are back again. 
[21:36] <(name removed)> everyone. 
[21:36] <Ziphoid> He's been around, although he hasn't been typing that much on the board. 
[21:37] <(name removed)> Yes, but NOW he do and you know why. 
[21:37] <Ziphoid> Anyhow, I'm off again. Good luck in the future, but once again a word of advice - and it's not a threat or anything - DO think before you act. It'll make things less messy. 
[21:38] <(name removed)> I think this thread will be going over 10 pages again but I already have said everything from my side. 
[21:40] <(name removed)> Some users from SW can admit that they also where attacked like me, us and everyone I had a conversation. And mostly if I or we wasn't online. 
[21:40] <(name removed)> And unfortunately I didn't change all of my passwords. 
[21:40] <Ziphoid> Well, if it now WAS someone else, I must say that they've gone out of their way to try to trick people into making it look like you. ...and I sincerely doubt that's the case, looking at the history... 
[21:42] <Ziphoid> ...but I won't take this conversation again... 
[21:42] <(name removed)> The main problem I have at the moment is "Trust". 
[21:42] <Ziphoid> This is the fact, and we'll leave it at that. We'll leave you in peace and we expect you to do the same to us. 
[21:42] <(name removed)> And the only person I really thrust at lest is maybe Chris. 
[21:42] <(name removed)> although I didn't authorize him posting my mails into the tread. 
[21:43] <(name removed)> Obviously he want to aviod that I'm register again and he has right. Maybe it was the best solution. 
[21:43] <Ziphoid> Yes, it is. It's been very annoying to more than one person in there that you've started to act on the forum almost like nothing has happened before. 
[21:43] <(name removed)> But you're still fighting against me! 
[21:44] <Ziphoid> I will post this discussion there as well, just to have a complete record of what's been said. 
[21:44] <(name removed)> Quote = All that needs to be said has already been said over and over again... Noone knows what's going on in his sick and twisted little mind. Sad. Just sad. 
[21:45] <(name removed)> "his sick twisted little mind"...but I tell you "my little mind" is bigger than you are. 
[21:45] <Ziphoid> Well, I stand by that. I'm sorry about the fact that it is like that, but that's the way it is. 
[21:45] <(name removed)> At least I did apologize for that what I've done and you??? 
[21:46] <Ziphoid> Yes you did. ...and I'm glad you did that. I just can't get why you're doing this. 
[21:46] <smart> It is enough now, carries please your diversities of opinion in query out and not here thanks 
[21:46] <(name removed)> Let me continue Micha please. 
[21:46] <(name removed)> Just a moment. 
[21:46] <(name removed)> I need some time first to read between the lines. 
[21:47] <Ziphoid> I won't bother with going PM. I'll leave you guys alone. 
[21:47] <Ziphoid> There is nothing between the lines here. This is what I think and if I'm wrong on this, then I'm sorry, but that's how it is. 
[21:47] <(name removed)> It don't make a difference now. 
[21:48] <(name removed)> The bomb already blasts. 
[21:48] <(name removed)> Why I should invest more energy than I already did? 
[21:48] <Ziphoid> Well, then let's don't.  
[21:49] <(name removed)> I realize that Boz f.ex. might be a very humanity person. 
[21:49] <(name removed)> And that's the reason I write to him. 
[21:49] <Ziphoid> As I said earlier on. Good luck with your stuff and we'll mind our business on our side. 
[21:49] <(name removed)> because my suspects was wrong. 
[21:49] <(name removed)> But I can't thrust the others any more., 
[21:50] <Ziphoid> Well, as it seems, we really can't trust you either. ...and this makes the whole situation just said, so it's best we just drop it all. 
[21:50] <(name removed)> If you have a better idea how thrust can be rebuilded, make a purpose. 
[21:51] <Ziphoid> The best way is to simply go apart completely. 
[21:51] <(name removed)> It makes it even different for me because I also can't. 
[21:51] <Ziphoid> You don't visit us and we won't visit you. 
[21:51] <smart> I look myself here not further on and therefore disappear I here now and (name removed) legend I you, the more intelligent give way, in this reflect goodbye 
[21:51] <Ziphoid> ...and the worst thing is that there has to be a 'WE' and 'YOU', since it shouldn't be that way. 
[21:51] <(name removed)> because the person hacked us and the line between me and you in the past was to obvious. 
[21:52] *** smart has left #radio-(name removed) 
[21:52] *** guru is now known as guru`kw`kippe 
[21:52] <Ziphoid> *hmmm* Manuel, will you please translate what smart just tried to say, because I don't understand it and don't want to misinterpret it. 
[21:53] <(name removed)> I will clarify that later. He can't handle with english convesations. 
[21:53] *** LoneWolf has left #radio-(name removed) 
[21:53] <Ziphoid> I really shouldn't have jumped in here, but I just felt that I didn't like the situation. 
[21:54] <Ziphoid> ...and I need to leave quite soon... 
[21:54] <(name removed)> Maybe I was a bit to edgy ti him because 
[21:54] <(name removed)> that thing makes me aggressive again. 
[21:55] <(name removed)> No one like it, we only want to make what we do the whole time. 
[21:55] <(name removed)> I don't want such kind of war. 
[21:56] <Ziphoid> I once again tell you, just leave us alone and you can have it your way on your side. Don't lurk around with different accounts on R64, since it only annoys you anyhow. 
[21:56] <(name removed)> Not here and not somewhere at the message board. 
[21:57] <Ziphoid> I don't even think this is WORTH a war. It's no competition. 
[21:57] <Ziphoid> ...and with that I mean that it shouldn't be a competition. 
[21:58] <Ziphoid> You have your listeners, we have ours. We aim at a different audience, even though we both do retro stuff. 
[21:58] <(name removed)> I know that I can't competite. 
[21:58] <Ziphoid> You have your forum members, and we have ours. 
[21:58] <(name removed)> I don't take them. 
[21:59] <Ziphoid> Let's just hope that you'll succeed in your task to gain more listeners and members to the German speaking community you have going there. 
[21:59] <(name removed)> Not with this treads I read today. 
[22:00] <(name removed)> They're alsolute not helpful. 
[22:00] *** guru`kw`kippe is now known as guru`|kaeffchen| 
[22:00] <Ziphoid> Well, I'm quite sure the people on R64 won't be amongst your listeners, so do look somewhere else. 
[22:01] <(name removed)> And why this tread wasn't deleted then? 
[22:01] <(name removed)> This guy have a very hard problem with me it seems. 
[22:01] <SW> good night and sweet dreams to all. HEAR US TOMORROW!!! 
[22:01] <Ziphoid> Nighters Iceman. 
[22:01] <(name removed)> And he complains against mails which everyone get from us which was registered. 
[22:02] <(name removed)> And I didn't write the other stuff. 
[22:02] <Ziphoid> Well, the thread won't be deleted but when I post this conversation, I'll tell people to back down and just leave the subject. 
[22:02] *** SW|DjSteve69|essen is now known as SW|DjSteve69 
[22:03] *** OnAir|D4rkw4lk3r is now known as SW|D4rkw4lk3r 
[22:03] <Ziphoid> Anyhow, I'm off now. I'll leave you to it and I suggest you leave us as well. 
[22:04] <Ziphoid> I think that's the best thing both ways... 
[22:04] *** SW|D4rkw4lk3r is now known as SW|D4rkw4lk3r|off 
[22:04] <(name removed)> mom 
[22:05] <Ziphoid> ok 
[22:05] <(name removed)> Okay and tell Chris about my statement. You've the permission now bit I don't wantr to see any chat logs in the forum!!! 
[22:05] <(name removed)> You may write it with your OWN words. 
[22:05] <Ziphoid> These chat logs WILL be there for followup purposes. 
[22:05] <(name removed)> I hate copied conversations like this way. 
[22:05] <Ziphoid> This way I can't make anything unclear. 
[22:06] <Ziphoid> Well, we've seen what happened when you wrote a so-called conversation between you and me in your own words, and I won't have that again. 
[22:06] <(name removed)> What I need is time. 
[22:07] <(name removed)> to understand every word like it is. 
[22:07] <(name removed)> and not what I see at first. 
[22:07] <(name removed)> like it meant 
[22:07] <(name removed)> That the only way to get thrust back. 
[22:07] *** Kosko has quit (Quit:) 
[22:07] <Ziphoid> Well, that log you falsified from our conversation wasn't a fun read anyhow. ...or perhaps it was funny, since it contained so many errors. ...but I won't go into that anymore. 
[22:09] <(name removed)> What is 
[22:09] <(name removed)> falsified? 
[22:09] <Ziphoid> The so-called "log" from on of our chats you made up last year. 
[22:10] <Ziphoid> ...and don't try to explain that one away again. 
[22:10] <(name removed)> I need time for every word I can't understand at the moment. So other users like you have more time for his statements like I have. 
[22:10] <Ziphoid> That's old news so we don't need to dig into it again. 
[22:10] <(name removed)> That makes me nervous. 
[22:11] <(name removed)> You mean the ICQ Log? 
[22:14] <Ziphoid> Yes. 
[22:14] <(name removed)> Another example 
[22:14] <(name removed)> Just a Moment. 
[22:14] <(name removed)> Please give me you E-Mail Adress. 
[22:15] <(name removed)> I copy you a nice mail (an example) we get some weeks before when smart and we was on tour. 
[22:15] *** smart has joined #radio-(name removed) 
[22:15] *** ChanServ sets mode +q on smart 
[22:15] *** ChanServ sets mode +a on smart 
[22:15] *** ChanServ sets mode +o on smart 
[22:15] <(name removed)> It was a mail, also everone from SW get. 
[22:16] <(name removed)> and it should look like I have written it. 
[22:16] <(name removed)> what's absolutely not true. 
[22:16] <smart> wieso kann hier nicht deutsch gesprochen werden damit ich hier den sachverhalt auch mal verstehe , verdammt noch mal 
[22:16] <(name removed)> Hallo, Schatz. Hast Du die Mail noch von SW? 
[22:16] <(name removed)> weil ich nicht Stereo schreiben kann. 
[22:16] <smart> blödes englisch nur weil das die weltsprache ist , ich kotze gleich 
[22:17] <(name removed)> Bleib ruhig. 
[22:17] <(name removed)> Ich kanns auch nicht besonders gut. 
[22:18] <smart> welche emal denn 
[22:18] <smart> mail 
[22:18] <(name removed)> Die eine mit der Schliessung. 
[22:19] <(name removed)> Hab sie schon. ;-) 
[22:19] <smart> ich lösche so ein blödsinn 
[22:20] <(name removed)> Ich nicht und das aus gutem Grund. 
[22:20] <smart> ich frage mmich die ganze zeit warum hier leute rein kommen und streß machen ? 
[22:20] <(name removed)> vielleicht braucht man es ja mal... 
[22:20] <smart> das kann es doch nicht sein 
[22:20] <(name removed)> Die Polizei macht auch nix, war schon 2x da. 
[22:20] <(name removed)> Beatme, kannst nur vergessen die machen doch nix. 
[22:22] <smart> und@Ziphoid besorge dir ein übersetzungsprogramm, dann kannst du auch mitbekommen was ich hietr schreibe, denn ich sehe es nicht ein jetzt hier englisch zu schreiben und noch was ich stehe hinter (name removed) 
[22:23] <Ziphoid> Well, I won't use a translation program to try to send you German text... That'll only make it problematic... 
[22:23] <(name removed)> Er hat eins aber es dauert dann halt länger. 
[22:23] <(name removed)> Ich mach das bzw. ich versuchs. 
[22:25] <smart> ich kann nichts dafür das ich in der DDR groß geworden bin und wir da nur russisch als pflichtfach hatten, bin ich jetzt mein ganzes leben damit bestraft weil ich kien englisch kann ? ... :( 
[22:26] <smart> DDR gleich GDR 
[22:27] <Ziphoid> Well, I have to leave anyhow, so there will be no more English from me now. Again, good luck to you guys, but I still thinks it's best if we just go our separate ways. 
[22:29] <(name removed)> That what I also said to Chris. 
[22:29] <(name removed)> I only wanted to preview my works. 
[22:29] <(name removed)> not more. 
[22:30] <Ziphoid> I think it's best you don't. Keep promoting your things on your side and if people are curious what you're up to, they'll come here. 
[22:31] <(name removed)> It seems someone do everythin to prevent that I'm able to posting just a word there. 
[22:31] <Ziphoid> ...then just leave it be. I'll tell people to end the writing and we'll just leave it. 
[22:33] <(name removed)> Nevertess things happened today are another beat against us which I can't accept without an excusion. 
[22:33] <(name removed)> apology I meant 
[22:34] *** guru`|kaeffchen| is now known as guru 
[22:34] <(name removed)> I'm working very hard to get another possible way to conversate with some peoples there. 
[22:34] <(name removed)> And I wan# 
[22:34] <(name removed)> And I dont' want to let making destroy it. 
[22:34] <Ziphoid> Then I guess you'll have to find proof that show that it was NOT you that posted those emails. 
[22:37] <smart> I am tired and go sleeping now good night 
[22:37] <smart> good night@ Ziphod :) 
[22:37] <Ziphoid> Good night, smart. 
[22:37] <Ziphoid> :) 
[22:37] <(name removed)> and that's what I cannot and you (and the guy who did) know that. 
[22:37] <(name removed)> Okay. 
[22:37] <smart> good night@ (name removed) :-x 
[22:37] <(name removed)> At least we've clarified that a bit. 
[22:37] <smart> bye 
[22:37] *** smart has quit (Quit:<---- Briefkastenverkauf - die Nummer 1 in Sachsen - Anhalt) 
[22:38] <(name removed)> We're talking via ICQ. :-x 
[22:38] <Ziphoid> Then that's how it is. Sorry, but I don't see any other solution than that we're just separating completely. 
[22:38] <(name removed)> And now? 
[22:39] <Ziphoid> Now I'll log off, post this conversation on the thread and tell people that they shouldn't bother anymore and that's what you shouldn't do either. Do your thing and let us do ours. Don't come into the R64 board even for reading stuff, since it only seems to annoy you. 
[22:39] <(name removed)> Then I shell accpet that completely? 
[22:39] <Ziphoid> What else is there to do? 
[22:40] <(name removed)> Okay but be carefull what you post. I don't want to start a new fight because untruth things startet again. 
[22:40] <Ziphoid> The only thing would be to talk to Chris again, but I guess he's pretty fed up. 
[22:40] <(name removed)> I don't like bad propaganda. 
[22:40] <Ziphoid> I won't tell any untruth, that's why I'll post this log... 
[22:42] <(name removed)> with my complete bad translations...huh? 
[22:42] <(name removed)> Then okay. 
[22:42] <Ziphoid> I can't translate it for you. 
[22:42] <Ziphoid> ...but I'll leave you know. Once again, good luck and let's hope this won't happen again... 
[22:43] <(name removed)> Thanks and I hope for better times 
[22:43] <(name removed)> for both! 
[22:43] <Ziphoid> So do I. Over and out. 
Anyhoo, I'll leave this matter now. Let's just hope nothing more happens.

Posted: 01/05/2007 - 21:19
by Chris Abbott
Me and Ziph agreed to lock this because everything seems to have been said, by all parties. Zat OK?
