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Posted: 01/10/2003 - 18:01
by Chris Abbott
> marvel at the logo!
And nick it in the dead of night? You've got the manpower now Waz :)


Posted: 01/10/2003 - 18:43
by tas

I can't guarentee 30 people turning up tho there could be, hard to say. But we wish to try and keep this more relaxed than booking a club.

Basically what we are looking at is this....

1) Beer
2) People
3) Good time

If i was to book somewhere i would want to make it more extravagant but i don't want to go that way. Low key, high fun is my thinking. :)

Posted: 02/10/2003 - 12:35
by Matrix
Low key - isnt he some kind of norse god ? lol

Posted: 02/10/2003 - 12:59
by Larsec
Matrix wrote:Low key - isnt he some kind of norse god ? lol
AAARRRGGGHHH!!! (<--- viking rage) Don't blaspheme!!! least not without buying me a pint... :D

Posted: 02/10/2003 - 13:12
by Matrix
Deal :) - Actually if i mention Loki being used from the film DOGMA does that mean 2 pints ? and if so - at this rate will you be sober by Xmas ? lol

Posted: 02/10/2003 - 15:18
by Larsec
Matrix wrote:Deal :) - Actually if i mention Loki being used from the film DOGMA does that mean 2 pints ?
No, that actually means I owe you 1 since Dogma is a great film... I always enjoyed when people were able to make fun of something with true heart... :)

Anyway, I won't be there this time around, so the pints will have to wait. I come home from Equador on the 29th so that would make things just a wee bit stressed I think if I had to fly from Denmark to the UK on the same day, after spending 24 hours travelling from South America... I miss my girl friend...

Posted: 02/10/2003 - 19:57
by tomsk
Yeah - it's true. This wasn't (and isn't) supposed to be an 'official' event as such. A few of the guys (including Me) thought that meeting up again was a great idea, and it was decided that Manchester would be an ideal neutral meeting place - simply because most people agreed they could get there.

Since quite a lot of us had only met for the first time at BIT 5, there didn't seem such a great deal of time to to enjoy the 'meeting' experience of it all - I guess we were all too wrapped up in the brilliant event itself.

So the idea is just as Neil stated. A gang of people, who all share an interest, meeting up and having a good old fashioned piss up. Any talk of organising C64 events may get in the way of the fun. After all, I watched Chris pace around with troubled expression for a lot of BIT 5, which was a shame as I feel he would have a better time if he was just there as the rest of us were. But if he did, there would have been no BIT 5.

So hats off to Chris for all his organisational 'prowess'. But let's just enjoy this as a meeting of new friends, getting drunk, and having a laugh.
It's a pity Chris may not be able to make it, as I for one would love to see him relaxing with a pint which I could even have been 'persuaded' to buy him.

Looking forward to seeing you all there, and Dan's buying the first round! (ain't that right mate ?)


Posted: 02/10/2003 - 22:53
by dan gillgrass
tomsk wrote: Looking forward to seeing you all there, and Dan's buying the first round! (ain't that right mate ?)

Eh!!! yer bitch......if I have a job and there are only perhaps five people in the round and it doesnt cost TWENTY FOUR QUID!!!! then maybe :wink:

Posted: 02/10/2003 - 22:54
by dan gillgrass
Tomsk.....why not out that pic of Lars with the earing on here... :wink:

Posted: 02/10/2003 - 23:43
by tas
We have a good idea now what the plan is, so in the next few days i'll put up a page about the thing.

For those who are planning on coming please drop me a line at:


Posted: 02/10/2003 - 23:44
by Larsec
dan gillgrass wrote:Tomsk.....why not out that pic of Lars with the earing on here... :wink:
:lol: Bitch! :lol:

Posted: 03/10/2003 - 10:52
by Waz
Tas wrote:We have a good idea now what the plan is, so in the next few days i'll put up a page about the thing.
I'll drop you a mail anyway Neil, but I do think some of them visiting might just want to see the Ocean logo-ed building. It's history, man! Not least for some of us...

And no Chris, I can't take it away. The building is under security fencing and there's a guard on the door 24/7. He looked most puzzled last Saturday when Paul and I were looking at the outside where the logo was ;)

Posted: 03/10/2003 - 12:37
by tas
Hi Warren,

I'll was gonna contact you regarding accomodation places and directions i was just waiting really for clear picture of what the plan was. It now seems one has been made clear.

Posted: 03/10/2003 - 12:58
by Chappers
wazzaw wrote:The building is under security fencing and there's a guard on the door 24/7. He looked most puzzled last Saturday when Paul and I were looking at the outside where the logo was ;)
Yeah, I saw him watching us too.

The Ocean logo is a very important piece of history so it's understandable that a guard is required for this :wink: Guards the building as well so Acclaim seemed to have hired quite a multi-talented bloke really :)


Posted: 05/10/2003 - 15:51
by tas
I've put the page online guys. I'm sure i've missed some chappies who are coming or some details that should be addressed. If so drop me a note here on the board or e-mail me.

Remember guys if you are coming to drop me an e-mail at