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Posted: 07/07/2006 - 14:05
by FFRenzy
ziphoid : Aren't your requirements in the list of "what to take with you" a bit steep ? i there ANY slayradio listener that still has something called "Common sense" :wink:

Posted: 07/07/2006 - 16:39
by trace
Have a REALLY GREAT TIME you guys & girls who made it to the gathering :D

Sorry me and my sis couldn't make it :(

When i couldn't make it, I decided to paint my house, so i can't say i have nothing to do this weekend :D

And now a spontanious rhyme:

I will paint my house and listen to Slay.
Can it be a more wonderful day! :) :wink:

It was goooooooooooood!

Posted: 09/07/2006 - 17:46
by Misser
Safely @ home after 4 very fun days in Stockholm. It was realy nice to meet all the people.

Posted: 09/07/2006 - 22:37
by Dimmignatt
Man.. this was lots of fun..
Thank you all people at the gathering for making my stay a memorable one :lol:
Hope to see all of you again..

Posted: 10/07/2006 - 8:49
by icon
Just wanted to thank you all for a very fun weekend. But hey!... Kidz of today, to good at IRC but worthless when it comes to drink beers ;-) The old vets had to step in and save the day. ;-) But I enjoyed every second of it! That wolf ruled! :-)

See you next time for sure.
Icon-REM (The big guy with a beer in his hand (in both sometimes))

Posted: 12/07/2006 - 9:39
by Dimmignatt
Here's the X-formZ gallery :lol:

Lots of fun ;)

Posted: 13/07/2006 - 7:45
by Ziphoid
...and you'll find a LOT of pics and stuff at

Thank you all that joined us for this weekend. It was really fun even though quite exhausting to host. Nevertheless, I wouldn't wanna miss it for the world. Now, let's all make the Gothenburg one at least as rememberable... ;)