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Posted: 17/09/2003 - 11:34
by Matrix
Dunno if im missing sumthin pretty generic here, but I cant for the life of me get mame to run these games..... all it does it fire up the docs in notepad !! - clues ?

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 11:41
by rockwaldo
ok, quick overview....

1. install MAME32 from the link posted earlier. usually installed to c:/progfiles/mame32

2. copy the contents of ALL 3 DVDs into that directory. The structure is the same, so when it asks whether you want to overwrite say yes

3. from within MAME32 you may need to set up the paths (roms, titles, snaps, samples etc...) and i think that is in options somewhere..

and that should be as simple as it is!

ive never heard of it opening in notepad mind you...

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 11:55
by Matrix
thx, but done all that already... appart from install - theres no installer, just an exe... which loads up the doc with all the switches n stuff... looks mindbending how many things are iun there - the switches themselves are almost a new programming language lol...

I extracted the zip (with foldernames) and am running it from there - i saw the directory structure n figured that one out... Windowze recons it needs to be run from DOS and DOS just tries to run it and loads up the doc !! DOH ... even with the command line options ...

I made the ini file easy enough - but to do a setup WITHIN mame... heck .. gotta get the sukka running first lol

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 12:17
by rockwaldo
you're not using MAME32 thats why!

the windows version of MAME found in places like is different from the MAME32 you need to use...

go here NOW!

get the top one (zip distributable)

unzip into the mame32 folder (i use c:mame32, but its up to you) and then do all the stuff i said earlier ^^^


Posted: 17/09/2003 - 12:32
by Darrenxyz
Boz wrote:P.S. Did I promise anyone that I'd e-mail them anything? If so, remind me 'cos my brain is a ZX81... ta!
You said you'd post me a copy of the interactive sampler DVD cos you'd run out of copies at the stall, if you're still up for that.


Posted: 17/09/2003 - 12:51
by Boz
Darrenxyz wrote:You said you'd post me a copy of the interactive sampler DVD cos you'd run out of copies at the stall, if you're still up for that.

Duly noted. We'll be creating a few more soon. Could you send your snail mail addy to my e-mail addy? Ta!


Posted: 17/09/2003 - 12:52
by skitz
Me want one too :)

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 13:00
by Boz
skitz wrote:Me want one too :)
Well ya can't have one... I don't even know who you are... :wink:

Dinnae worry, you'll get one once I replenish my DVD-R stock!

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 15:38
by Lee's PeeknPoke
The DVD is great, loved it. An hour of fun
Thanks very much for letting a cheeky manc get hold of a copy :)


Posted: 17/09/2003 - 19:08
by Subzero
Subzero wants one :(

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 19:11
by Matrix
So does Matrix :D

btw - Sub - ya ur right, it was the dos version - all sorted with the win32 version now and shes running sweet as a baby chewin a candystick :D - Thx for pointing me at the right files :D

Now i need a cube case, a X-Arcade controller board and a modified Arcade Cab with tv - cheap enough on ebay - can you tell i have a fully laden project planned folks lol......

MAME ROCKS !!!!! - Thx guys - !!!!!

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 19:12
by Larsec
With a little luck that demo will be on the DVD, right Boz?... Right? ;)

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 20:21
by Boz
Larsec wrote:With a little luck that demo will be on the DVD, right Boz?... Right? ;)
Id' forgotten about that, actually!... I'll see what I can do... :wink:

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 20:29
by Chris Abbott
Boz da maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan. :)

Toastie Making Badger Employer


Posted: 17/09/2003 - 21:05
by Pete Abbott
Can I have one?

I don't know what it is but it sounds good. :twisted:

Chris, did you eva find that Karma cd? You can have mine if you want, in packaging! I don't mind it going to a good home... Sniff.. Where it will be loved and cherished and not stacked with Windows XP 64 Bit Server Enterprise Edition Corporate Service pack One self install and a blank floppy.

Seriously though, (you mean there IS a seriousss???), if you want it back to pass on that's ok by me. I have the WMA's and can love it from afar..

I have BIT 3 as well you know....... (Ahh the memories...) :mrgreen: