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Posted: 09/06/2005 - 10:58
by LMan
Pex calls himself "Mahoney", because at the gay bar the big boys always called him "ma honey".

Posted: 09/06/2005 - 11:09
by beyond
There's a reason why LMan knows this. He's the franchise owner of the Blue Oyster Bars.
Posted: 09/06/2005 - 11:12
by LMan
Owning and visiting are two different things. Beyond is a regular visitor

Posted: 09/06/2005 - 13:54
by beyond
Not since LMad became "the gimp" at Blue Oyster!!
Posted: 09/06/2005 - 14:21
by Pex `Mahoney` Tufvesson
Beyond is a great guy. Honestly.

Posted: 09/06/2005 - 15:22
by beyond
Mahoney is Swedish...
Eh... that's maybe a little bit too harsh... Sorry!

Posted: 09/06/2005 - 15:30
by Pex `Mahoney` Tufvesson
Beyond wishes he also was Swedish, be he'll have to live with being Danish for the rest of his life.
(And how booooooring to reply with the same kind of lie.... buhuuuu I wish I had some imagination

This game is turning into "outrageous insults" instead of "outrageous lies")
anyway... Theo, come on. Admit that you cracked games in the 1980'ies.
Posted: 09/06/2005 - 15:53
by Dimmignatt
Pex `Mahoney` Tufvesson looks alot like that guy in Ghostbusters.. that one which lives next door to Dana Barret.. (that guy that is turned in to a dog)
Posted: 10/06/2005 - 8:57
by 1337
Dimmignatt is the figment of our collective imagination. We've all been wire dup to the Borg collective without realising.
Posted: 10/06/2005 - 11:13
by beyond
During full moon 1337 grows an extra arm... that only can type on the numeric part of the keyboard --- and THAT way he chose his nick.
Posted: 10/06/2005 - 14:36
by tas
Beyonds avatar is that way cos someone photo shoped a penis out of the picture

Posted: 10/06/2005 - 16:33
by xo
Tas would know, he was part of the photo op.
Posted: 10/06/2005 - 16:43
by tas
beyond wrote:During full moon 1337 grows an extra arm... that only can type on the numeric part of the keyboard --- and THAT way he chose his nick.
HE is a SHE btw

Posted: 10/06/2005 - 16:49
by xo
That's a bloody lie Tas, and you know it - 1337 is your bastard son.
Posted: 10/06/2005 - 17:09
by tas
and your her mother