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Posted: 22/02/2006 - 10:08
by beyond
Come on guys, don't feed the trolls... Ignore them...

Posted: 22/02/2006 - 16:14
by Vosla
I can't remember a troll being a member of this board.

Posted: 23/02/2006 - 9:08
by xo
beyond wrote:Come on guys, don't feed the trolls... Ignore them...
Incidentally the same tactic I generally apply to remixes I don't like - no need to give any reason for not voting. :wink: That is not to say all remixes I haven't voted on are crap in my eyes. :lol:

I do agree with the troll or whatever he is that 128 kbps is pretty suboptimal. Further, I think that if (many) people don't like the way (some) people vote, the community could make some rules. But how would you enforce them?

Posted: 23/02/2006 - 12:12
by Max Levin
By the way, Romeo, have you tried uploading the tune to Overclocked yet? I'm very interested in what the judges have to say about it.

Posted: 23/02/2006 - 13:18
by Romeo Knight
Honestly I don't know much about ocremix and I'm not member. Yet.
Let's see.
Wouldn't it be possible to upload all my remix stuff at ocr?