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Posted: 18/07/2007 - 12:02
by xo
Jesus Christ... And there isn't any way to rectify the matter with Google? :frustration:

I thought you needed a judge's words before you could take steps like that.

Posted: 18/07/2007 - 12:13
by Chris Abbott
You'd think, but Google just take the word of any random bystander, except against those with lawyers, such as Amazon. Their T&Cs give them the power to do what the hell they like, though I have registered a complaint asking for details.

I'm pretty sure it's not Timbaland. I've got two or three likely suspects: companies who think they own their music (despite having no evidence) but don't (because the composers do).


Posted: 18/07/2007 - 12:19
by Razmo
Chris: Is it not common procedure, that those who claim others for such things, has to carry the burden of proving it is so? ... Legal systems usualy work that way... but maybe Google works in more "profitable" ways? :?

Posted: 18/07/2007 - 14:20
by Vosla
Taking bribes for instance?
Don't have evidence but I guess everyone has his price...

Posted: 18/07/2007 - 14:35
by Chris Abbott
razmo wrote:Chris: Is it not common procedure, that those who claim others for such things, has to carry the burden of proving it is so? ... Legal systems usualy work that way... but maybe Google works in more "profitable" ways? :?
Sure, it should work like that, but companies such as Google and Paypal hide behind their weasley terms and conditions to allow them to pretty much do what they want. Paypal is notorious for limiting accounts if you so much as sneeze wrong, for instance. Presumably they're playing the percentages as well: they would assume that every MP3 shop is illegal since it's very unlikely someone would bother legally. Except me, obviously.


Posted: 18/07/2007 - 16:14
by merman
razmo wrote:Just a sidenote chris: I noticed on Remix64, in the bottom of the screen where there is adds C64 related, that one banner had big words spelling "Warez" on one of them the other day... I wondered a bit about it, but did not click the add to see what is was... could this be related?
That's from - the C64 Scene Banner Exchange. Which has nothing to do with C64audio...

Posted: 18/07/2007 - 16:27
by Razmo
Merman: yes I know that, but I thought that this "third party" maybe "followed" Chris in here perhaps?.... but I don't even know if it's warez related that link... just that I noticed the word "Warez"... but it's probably not even related... just noticed and wrote it :)

Posted: 18/07/2007 - 16:50
by Chris Abbott
My business partner in Norway for the mobile phone thingy suggested it might be a hired lawyer for the RIAA (who might be on commission for each website they shut down) who's not done his research. It's as likely as anything else...


Posted: 19/07/2007 - 18:17
by Lagerfeldt
I know the same lawyer in Denmark, he is an absolute asshole. And yes, "commission" is a pretty accurate word.

Posted: 19/07/2007 - 18:35
by Vosla
No chance of shooting him down in flames?
For violating some code of conduct or something?
(Haha! Lawyers and a code of conduct! Haha! Maybe which colour your tie has...)

If he is accusing you of being a crook without any evidence - isn't that an offense by itself? Defamation or something?

Posted: 19/07/2007 - 19:17
by Razmo
I know the same lawyer in Denmark, he is an absolute asshole. And yes, "commission" is a pretty accurate word.
Phew!... I'm glad I'm a musician and not a label... seems like you could easily wind up spending a hell of a lot of time dealing with idiots, instead of making music :? ... what a shame...

It's like sports... fun when you play it without commercial interrests... as soon as money is involved things get.... "boring".

Posted: 19/07/2007 - 20:25
by Chris Abbott
Actually, Google got back to me. Contrary to what they said, there was no third party. They just took one look at the ad, assumed I was a pirate and banned the ad. No research, no looking at the site, no using that search engine... what's its name... to look things up...

Is that the way they treat all indie record labels?

I also had a go at them about lying about third party complaints when it was Google's own laziness behind the situation. They caused me some distress. Gits.


Posted: 19/07/2007 - 20:28
by Chris Abbott
Phew!... I'm glad I'm a musician and not a label... seems like you could easily wind up spending a hell of a lot of time dealing with idiots, instead of making music ... what a shame...
This is quite true. You've got to really believe in a higher purpose to put up with the shit: and it does indeed stop you making music. Mind you, so does having no money and having to take a day job. Let's face it, finding the time to do music when you have the need to eat, a wife and kids is damn hard anyway.

But yes, when money gets involved, things get a lot more complicated, and you get a lot more cynical. But hey, it's an experience, and if I hadn't followed this path, then maybe the world would have missed a few experiences.


Posted: 19/07/2007 - 20:46
by Razmo
Let's face it, finding the time to do music when you have the need to eat, a wife and kids is damn hard anyway.
Is this not every musicians nightmare? ... Work, Girlfriend, Family, Kids, Housework and no time for music?... I've been there, done that and broke down from it, because I had no time to "recharge" with my music... it cost me a relationship, and the thrill of being part of my two sons everyday life. On top of that, a severe depression and social anxiety from living 11 years in a relationship not being "good enough"....

...I wonder how many other musicians have tried the same story...

As said before; Been there, done that... NEVER again!

Posted: 19/07/2007 - 21:13
by Chris Abbott
The problem is: music for most of us here is a solitary activity, and solitary activities will always cause a problem in a relationship, since it automatically creates an exclusion. It may be vital for one party to feel happy, but if it makes the other party feel sad and excluded... well, it's probably the biggest single threat to any remixer's relationship. In the end, I chose family and relationship over music, and found other ways (such as encouraging and helping other acts). I hope to get back to it one day when I make my fortune... :)

[edit: to that extent, being in "business" with the music makes it at least easier to justify musical activity: most remixers probably get a lot of "why are you spending so much time on that? It's not going to make any money or anything..."]
