Chris Abbott wrote:
Glider Rider is great too
Now if only a movement of bloggers would actually enrich the scene instead of Sony (Rage Against the Machine, I'm looking at you!), we'd be laughing
*sigh* We just don't have that luck around here. It's part of our charm
Actually I was referring to the whole concept of adding a voice to remixes which I found very appealing. As a scene-addict I found all the tracks very good!
Hmm, it's me again, the dumb swede. *waving a sign stating "Confused!"* Rage Against the Machine?
I think our charm is great! However I also feel that a lot of people, including excellent musicians from the scene, need to learn to understand this new age of ours a bit better and use the tools there are to the best of their ability. For instance, "bloggers" are basically normal people (normal as in 3 arms, 2 heads and often with a severe syndrome called "cakehole diarrhea"...or perhaps that is just me). Normal people using a tool of The Information Era. Think of why most people don't refer to everyday people using pens and paper in their everyday life as "scribblers" or people using phones as "phoners" ("phreakers" used to be a valid term though depending on the definition of "use" *coughing*). It's because these tools are old and have gradually adapted to become necessities of our daily lives and nothing odd and peculiar like for instance blogs still seem to be in many people's eyes.
From the perspective of musicians, I think it is important to learn how to use the many tools of The Information Era (I have a serious crush on that expression) in order to enable marketing, a social relationship to fans (which eventually is likely to transfer into an economic one), distribution, sales etc. All this can be achieved today without obsolete middle-hands, e.g. recording companies, and with basically no other resources than a decent ISP, an Internet-terminal and the know-how of what can be achieved and how to achieve it.
A fairly good Swedish initiative in line with the just mentioned is XtremeCreator (alas, only in Swedish):
It's an initiative by a couple of fellow members of the Pirate Party. Writing this I realise there is likely a great demand for an English version too so I will try and lobby for that...
An excellent example of how to use the above knowledge is Andreas Viklund (yet another fellow member) who used that kind of approach long before XtremeCreator even existed: ... =interview
I long for the day when "have you heard Reyn?" is not met with "Hmmm...rain? It's bloody snowing here" or "do you like the music of Tel?" is not met with "sure, I can you tell you about some music, have you heard Timbaland's Apologize (to Gallefoss)?".
I mean the reason why many musicians of the scene is not famous in broader terms has absolutely nothing to do with their lack of skill and talent but more with how they remain outside the focus of people's scope of attention.
Oh yes, I almost forgot. I am not sure if you have heard about Edwyn Collins but he had a big hit many years ago:
It seems he really got screwed: ... ring-music