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Posted: 26/05/2005 - 12:07
by Makke
LMan / Remix64 wrote:I wish they'd do a season 5 of Enterprise.
Granted, but the role of T'Pol will be played by Roseanne Barr.

I wish I had something to wish for right now.

Posted: 26/05/2005 - 12:16
by Yoshi
Granted, your life just became miserable.

I wish I had a -69 Mustang cabriolet, loads of gasmoney and a week off.

Posted: 26/05/2005 - 12:39
by n3mo
Wish Granted! It's a 69 Mustang Cabriolet that has fallen apart, no tires, gastank is missing, and youre fired!

I wish that 100mbps/100mbps conn's would exist in DK..

Posted: 26/05/2005 - 12:56
by beyond
Granted but it will only work with commercials on your video screen coffee maker.

I wish I'd become a world-known photographer.

Posted: 26/05/2005 - 13:21
by n3mo
Wish granted... Your images are so repulsive that every Government in the world goes for a very hard sentence.. (Guess..:twisted:).. They are still searching for you...

I wish I had better to do...

Posted: 26/05/2005 - 14:58
by Yoshi
Granted, but in the end all you do will fail.

I wish I find a road down to the lake that I want to go fishing at.

Posted: 26/05/2005 - 15:00
by LMan
You found the road, and everyone else too. So now the lake is so polluted that there's not a fish left alive.

I wish I'd eat more fruits.

Posted: 26/05/2005 - 15:09
by DHS
Done, and you're instantly tranformed in pacman eating fruits & pills in a labyrinth forever.

I wish the next pope will be a sexy girl.

Posted: 26/05/2005 - 15:32
by Vosla
DHS wrote:I wish the next pope will be a sexy girl.
Granted! But every other main religion will be so jealous that a global war would break out.

I wish my girl wouldn't have such a bad cold so she could go to the wedding reception of her best schoolmate. :(

Posted: 26/05/2005 - 15:41
by LMan
Granted! You get the cold instead. (Get well soon, Vosla's girl)

I wish my desk would be made of solid wood instead of chipboard.

Posted: 26/05/2005 - 15:47
by Vosla
LMan / Remix64 wrote:Granted! You get the cold instead. (Get well soon, Vosla's girl)
Would be perfect, sadly not possible... :weep:
LMan / Remix64 wrote:I wish my desk would be made of solid wood instead of chipboard.
Granted! All local wood worms come to your home to celebrate...

I wish my computer wouldn't be such a pile of old crap.

Posted: 26/05/2005 - 16:18
by n3mo
Wish granted.. But still runs M$.....
(Sorry Slaygon.. *Bows in humility* Wasn't bad.. turned good somehow.. hmm.. *** n3mo^^ sets +? ?SYNTAX ERROR)

I wish the sun wouldn't have dissapeared so I could get some more tan..

Posted: 26/05/2005 - 16:19
by Slaygon
n3mo wrote:Wish granted.. It turned into a Commodore64..

How's that BAD?!?

Posted: 26/05/2005 - 17:05
by Yoshi
n3mo wrote:I wish the sun wouldn't have dissapeared so I could get some more tan..
Granted, but dont expect to find any sun lotion in the store when you need it, ever.

I wish i had a laptop.

Posted: 26/05/2005 - 18:09
by n3mo
Wish granted.. It doesn't work..

I wish that I had better speakers for my PC..