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just had to share this..............

Posted: 28/11/2003 - 23:29
by Infamous
I see that you are fluent in Gibbering Moronese. Unfortunately, I'm not. You generate more waffle than the waffle making machine in a waffle factory. Clearly, you spend way too much time in darkened rooms in front of your seven-year-old computer turning a whiter shade of pale. Go outside once in a while and breathe, before your brain starts to rot from all that festering stagnation and cognitive dysfunction you stinking pile of camels fetid dung.

You read like a gimpzoid teenager splashing spit onto the monitor. Don’t you ever have a point beyond giving your fingers some exercise by dancing them randomly over the keyboard?
You could type every thing you know on the subject on back of a microscopic postage stamp and still have room leftover for a xmas shopping list.

Reading your post makes blindness a wonderful thing to look forward to. I suggest you take Mark Twain's advice;

"It is better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt."

You light up a room when you leave it. No doubt your life is so dull, that you can actually write your diary one week in advance.
Is there anything I need to know about you other than your a grungy social outcast sat forever pirched like a dead mouldy parrot next to your zx spectrum?

Maybe you wouldn't come across as such a jellyfish-sucking mental midget if your father didn't screw a plant and raised a blooming idiot; if the chief excitement in your meaningless life wasn't spotting people who are uglier than you are, or if you didn't have a face that makes Medusa look like a supermodel. Nah, of course you would.

In future, if you have something to say, please just shut up.

Dont you just love this kinda thing?


Posted: 28/11/2003 - 23:31
by Infamous
as a foot note......

How did they know?!?!??!

Posted: 29/11/2003 - 1:14
by tas
thanks Infy!

now i know the true meaning of insanity!

Posted: 01/12/2003 - 10:40
by merman
It sounds like something that automated letter-writing program is supposed to come up with...

Posted: 02/12/2003 - 8:03
by XGener8or
Hehe, where is it from?