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2 up, 1 more to go...

Posted: 03/12/2003 - 10:30
by Marcel Donné
Allrighty, looks like Phantoms of the Asteroid and Saboteur II are up on RKO.

I'd like to thank ifadeo very graciously for his kind words :) Oh, the melody comes from a JV2080 and a Supernova II ;)
Reading ifadeo's review it just dawned on me that I'm the only one that has a remix of Saboteur II on RKO. Do people really think it's a weird piece? IMHO it's a lovely piece with some great chord changes and a powerfull melody. The chords are not in the original SID, maybe it's the lack of chords that puts people off, I honestly don't know :)

Phantoms was rejected from the CD as is One Man and his Droid (One Magnetic Field and his Droid), which is currently sitting in the upload queue. They didn't quite fit the mood of the CD so I decided to upload them to RKO.

Anyway, enough rambling from me and I hope you'll enjoy the remixes :)



Posted: 03/12/2003 - 10:44
by Chris Abbott
Phantoms was rejected from the CD as is One Man and his Droid (One Magnetic Field and his Droid), which is currently sitting in the upload queue. They didn't quite fit the mood of the CD so I decided to upload them to RKO.
Ah... BIT 3-esque goodness. It's quite incestuous really, isn't it? :)


Posted: 03/12/2003 - 11:02
by CraigG
I actually prefer this version to the one on the CD, but, yes, it is a little bit too Magnetic Fields, isn't it?

Posted: 03/12/2003 - 11:09
by ifadeo
hi marcel, it's only my personal taste.... :D
...but you make something special out of his tune....

i think it doesn't sounds like jarre, vangelis.... it sounds like marcel donne... and that's good...

btw. actionbiker is also a weird tune, which reminds of elevatormusic...

cheers ifadeo

Posted: 03/12/2003 - 11:11
by Marcel Donné
Phantoms (..) is waaay over the top in its Jarre-y-ness, I agree. One Man and his Droid is even worse, you just wait.... :wink:

Posted: 03/12/2003 - 11:47
by DHS
Phantom is great, very faithfull to the original too, as usual :)


Posted: 03/12/2003 - 13:03
by hoomish
I'm at work at the mo so I can't d/l the remixes and give you an opinion yet (well, I could d/l them but I can't listen, so there's no point :wink: )

I'm sure I d/l a Sabateur II remix from RKO some time ago although I can't see it there now...

Posted: 03/12/2003 - 14:21
by Marcel Donné
hoomish wrote:I'm sure I d/l a Sabateur II remix from RKO some time ago although I can't see it there now...
That is correct as I asked Jan to remove the old version. It's been around long enough IMHO :)

Re: 2 up, 1 more to go...

Posted: 03/12/2003 - 15:45
by Markus Schneider
Marcel Donné wrote:Reading ifadeo's review it just dawned on me that I'm the only one that has a remix of Saboteur II on RKO. Do people really think it's a weird piece?
I love the original SID too and even started an orchestral version 2 weeks ago, but put it back in the drawer now ...

Also dunno why so many people are not keen on the original ?!

Very good work, Marcel. I personally prefer your Phantoms even before SabII ! You really managed it well to keep the spirit of the original. Great!

Posted: 03/12/2003 - 16:43
by merman
I really dig the Phantoms mix, Marcel. Nice work!

Saboteur II is a tune I haven't heard very much of on the real machine, I do like the remix - good, not great.