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Yet more chip-hop, muthahubbadz..

Posted: 05/11/2014 - 2:28
by Mark Wright
Apologies if this has already been noted/documented but I've just stumbled across another example of the hip-hop community "embracing" the SID/chip sound in the shape of "Tom Ford" by Jay-Z:

Sorry if it's yesterday's news; I think the track itself is more than a year old. I can't detect any particular theft among the arpeggios and burbles going on in there. I think it's generic, in much the same way as the already documented "A-Yo Technology" by 50 Cent/Justin Timberlake. Is anyone maintaining a list of noted commercial releases that pay homage to "the SID sound"? Would these qualify for inclusion in the "Conventional Music" section of the Wikipedia SID entry, given that it's hard to confirm whether they are actual SID or SIDstation generated?

What a shame that Timbaland had to go and spoil things with his blatant disregard (or as he might say: diss respec') for those who created the (unusually enormous) snatches of sound he once so famously exploited. So long as no harm is done to anyone, I think it's rather cool that so many contemporary producers of tracks designed to shift MILLIONS of units feel that a little bit of SID is what's needed. I doubt they would see it in those terms of course ("yo, that weird wibble noise is dope, man!") and nor would 99.999999% of their audience. But still.

None of the tracks I've heard are exactly my cup of tea, but if it wasn't for all that shameful business a few years ago leaving such a sour taste, I'm sure we'd all marvel at the sheer unlikeliness of something so obscure cropping up in modern productions aimed at the mass, MASS market. It's a pity Mr Z didn't sign-off his above linked effort with, "yo I'm out... scrolltext wraps... kill a commie for mommie... (fake American laugh)... Jay-Z! RETURN TO BASE!" (fades)

Re: Yet more chip-hop, muthahubbadz..

Posted: 05/11/2014 - 9:52
by Chris Abbott
It's good that people love dem burbles, but it's a shame that the cooler Ringmod and Sync (the way it's done in the best SIDs) are still missing in action: too difficult to implement I guess!

Re: Yet more chip-hop, muthahubbadz..

Posted: 05/11/2014 - 9:53
by Chris Abbott
No commercial track ever release has sounded like Knucklebusters or Spellbound (Except for one small release which was actually based on Knucklebusters).