Can anyone identify this old Amiga tune?
Posted: 29/04/2015 - 17:40
Name of Mod and author?
Not a great tune I'd say, but it's a nostalgia thing for me. I first heard it way back in 1992, it was part of a 1991 Acorn Archimedes demo called !Bodgering (odd name, to be sure), so it goes back to 1991 or earlier.
The tune is almost certainly an Amiga Mod, but it's kind of locked up iniside the demo executable. Don't know how to extract it.
Excerpt (it's a very short tune): ... pt_mp3.mp3 (756 Kb)
Not a great tune I'd say, but it's a nostalgia thing for me. I first heard it way back in 1992, it was part of a 1991 Acorn Archimedes demo called !Bodgering (odd name, to be sure), so it goes back to 1991 or earlier.
The tune is almost certainly an Amiga Mod, but it's kind of locked up iniside the demo executable. Don't know how to extract it.
Excerpt (it's a very short tune): ... pt_mp3.mp3 (756 Kb)