I made a submition of a remix in which I (alias:eclectic) collaborated with Dj Alundra to enhance the Remix "LOTUS TURBO CHALLENGE 2K4 REMIX"
I added orchestral arrangements to the song and mixed two different versions, I believe it gives the song much more depth and complexity and improves it but I want you to give me feedback. I still don't even know if it is going to be accepted.
Please listen to the remix here:
More links:
Soundcloud of Dj Alundra (creator of the original remix) : https://soundcloud.com/dj-alundra
My Sound Cloud: https://soundcloud.com/evartloper
My remix64 site: http://www.remix64.com/act/eclectic/
Dj Alundra remix64 site: http://www.remix64.com/act/dj-alundra1/
I'm happy to receive your feedback