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Techie question (not music related)

Posted: 24/01/2004 - 18:27
by Kenz
This is a tad off-topic for a music remix board (sorry!) but I know some of you creative people out there like to tickle pixels - so I have a question regarding graphics.

Is there a good program to remove noise on STILL video images (as in a picture grabbed from the TV)? I've had a fiddle with PhotoShop and the dust/despeckle filter and median thingy don't do much (the picture goes slightly less grainy but you lose some of the sharpness). Is there a 'definitive' picture noise removal proggie - or does anyone have any tips for cleaning up pics? Ta.

Posted: 24/01/2004 - 18:39
by Kenz
Blimey, after googling around I found this on a site. I'd love to know what program this guy uses! (I've asked him via email).


Posted: 24/01/2004 - 19:52
by Vosla
interesting ! i use an old version of paint shop pro but quality is still poor. don't forget to post what that guy used to despeckle that frame. :)

Posted: 24/01/2004 - 22:50
by DHS
For still pictures i don't know, but for movies (avi, mpegs, and so on) there are plenty of (free) noise removers for VirtualDub and so on, and most of them work bidirectionally in time.

You could use them, then grab the frames you need from the final movie.


Posted: 25/01/2004 - 16:57
by tomsk

If you do find out which program/plug-in he used can you please post it - the results were certainly better than what I achieve with PSP8.


Posted: 25/01/2004 - 17:41
by Kenz
No luck so far but thanx for the replies guys. The noise removal from video was a good idea but I've already done all the still grabs.

I'll keep ya posted. :)