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How come...

Posted: 06/03/2004 - 16:49
by LMan
...that there are so little reviews written since RKO's Big Bang. Before, almost every new release received at least one review. Look how it looks now... What's happened? :)

- Markus :)

Posted: 06/03/2004 - 18:01
by Echo/Ex-Bass
for exmple : i am "not sure" what is new,which tune "had" alrerady a remix review etc ...


Posted: 06/03/2004 - 19:15
by LMan
Okay :) At the Remix64 charts, each remix has its release date next to the title. There's an indicator, too, looking like this:

<img src=>

The blue 'R' means that someone has already submitted a review for this tune. The shaded 'I' means, that the arranger has not entered any additional info for his tune. A shaded 'R' means, no reviews are available for that remix yet - looks like this:

<img src=>

You can sort the charts by date by clikcing on "ADDED" at the table header. So you get the picture of what's new.

I hope that answers your questions. :)

- Markus

Posted: 07/03/2004 - 20:06
by Rafael Dyll
Good question Markus. I'd also pose the question: "How come there are next to no Amiga remixes reviews?". I think between Neil and myself, we wrote all the reviews available so far - to get the thing going, but*nothing* happened. No one even bothers to write the smallest comments, not even tune information, from three available, two are from yours truly. A shame really. I think it's also a shame that Markus spends his time creating all these features no one uses. It's to the benefit of the whole scene guys. Come on?

Posted: 08/03/2004 - 7:27
by LMan
Thanks for the support, Rafael. On this occasion, I want to say thanks to everyone who contributes in any way. :)

Posted: 08/03/2004 - 13:01
by LMan
To increase motivation for Amiga reviewing, the reviews-listing now displays Amiga remixes, too. So do the "Latest Review" and the "Listening Recommendation" boxes at the start-page. The CBM and the Amiga logos indicate which is which.

- Markus :)

Posted: 09/03/2004 - 5:24
by betelzeus
I was just wondering emm ... how to you add info to a tune you have uploaded?

I tried going to the 'My Remix64' section under Community ...and it comes up with a box for a login and password ... but it never works , it always tells me wrong username or password ... or something close to that ... Is it the same login and pass I use for the messageboard?

And emm ... I was also wondering is that the same place you go to write a review?

Posted: 09/03/2004 - 7:34
by LMan
Hehe it's a bit more awkward. This messageboard uses a different user-database than Remix64 itself.

To become a Remix64 member, go to:

Remix64 -> Community -> Become a Member

There, you can link up your arranger account at Remix.Kwed.Org. (There is no such tool for AmigaRemix yet, if you are an arranger at AmigaRemix, contact me.) Now you can enter tune information at the MyRemix64 area.

Feel free to ask any other questions regarding membership. :)

- Markus

Posted: 10/03/2004 - 7:22
by LMan
LMan / Remix64 wrote:To increase motivation for Amiga reviewing, the reviews-listing now displays Amiga remixes, too. So do the "Latest Review" and the "Listening Recommendation" boxes at the start-page. The CBM and the Amiga logos indicate which is which.
And as usual, nobody cares. :(

Sometimes I wonder why I bother making new features at all. It's not that I got too much spare time you know. I better make polls wether people need new features before actually coding them from now on.

- Markus ;)

Posted: 10/03/2004 - 7:55
by ifadeo
LMan / Remix64 wrote:
LMan / Remix64 wrote:To increase motivation for Amiga reviewing, the reviews-listing now displays Amiga remixes, too. So do the "Latest Review" and the "Listening Recommendation" boxes at the start-page. The CBM and the Amiga logos indicate which is which.
And as usual, nobody cares. :(

Sometimes I wonder why I bother making new features at all. It's not that I got too much spare time you know. I better make polls wether people need new features before actually coding them from now on.

- Markus ;)

you're too fast, nearly every week a new feature..... :wink:

keep on the great work markus, i like the new features....

cheers ifadeo

Posted: 10/03/2004 - 8:29
by C64GLeN
Yup, Yup We Care and are greatful to your continuing efforts