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New Last Ninja 2 choon

Posted: 19/03/2004 - 18:07
by GeckoYamori
It's been a while since I contributed to the C64 scene.

Sticking to the same formula heard in my last LN2 coverage, it works :P
Still a work in progress, so I'm open to any suggestions.
(It's easy to get lost in the beginning, hard to explain but you'll notice :P)

Posted: 20/04/2004 - 5:01
by Hazel
Nice one... At first it reminded me of those 80's hiphop sound. The rythm sounds a bit like the old Grand Master Flash prods.. :P

Posted: 20/04/2004 - 20:58
by Vosla
Adds some new flavor - and that's not an easy task - to a tune that was almost remixed to death. IMO well done. :)