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Audigy 1 - 24bit recording?

Posted: 02/04/2004 - 13:32
by Sonic Wanderer
Is it possible to record in 24 bits on the Audigy 1 card? Seems unable. Sound is garbled as hell. Anyone knows more?

Posted: 03/04/2004 - 10:27
by Feekzoid
Hmm can't say I can help, I use the Audigy 2 - but I dont use it to record @ 24bit - do you mean record an external source @ 24-bit? Or do you mean process sound (eg VSTs) @ 24bit?

Posted: 03/04/2004 - 11:15
by Chris Abbott
I seem to remember that the Audigy 1 claimed it could, but it couldn't.


Posted: 03/04/2004 - 22:54
by Lagerfeldt
The misunderstanding probably comes from the fact that the Audigy 1 sound card has a 16 bit ADC but a 24 bit DAC.

= no 24 bit input I'm afraid.

Posted: 03/04/2004 - 23:08
by Chris Abbott
Aha, yes, that would do it.


Posted: 04/04/2004 - 13:40
by Lagerfeldt
Cheers, glad to be of help

Posted: 06/04/2004 - 14:52
by Sonic Wanderer
Well, that explains it then.
I *can* record in 24 bits on the Audigy, but playback sounds bitdistorted like hell.
The internal SoundStorm nVidia card do seem to be able to record 24 bit though, so I use that instead, and has now put my synth through the effects-processor of the Audigy instead, to use it's reverb-functionality and spice up the synth (since it lacks reverb fx).
Works surpriringly well, and with very low audiable noise on the throughput.
I guess those low SNR-values of Creative's card is good for *something* afterall.

Cheers, and thanks for the input.

Posted: 08/04/2004 - 7:32
by Razmo

If anyone is looking for a good soundcard with kick-ass converters, then go for E-mu's new 1820m ... Just got it, and it rocks like hell! (120db converters on there... the ones used on Pro-tools converter boxes, and it records in 192Khz too! :O)
