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Sit down, take a deep breath ...

Posted: 06/04/2004 - 21:12
by Slaygon
... and hang on tight!

Here's something that you DO NOT WANT TO MISS!

On April 16, DJ Skitz, Boz, Tas and Makke will turn up at the SLAY Radio HQ for a -massive- "most-of-the-weekend" live broadcast.
A more in-depth "reminder" will be sent to the SLAY Radio Announcement list (not subscribed? See bottom of email) some time during the weekend or the beginning of next week.


To warm you guys up, Andreas (Morpheus of Flash Incorporated, Stuck in D'Eighties drummer) from debutes on SLAY Radio with a 1,5 hour show which includes SIDs, remixes and a few C64 related music. Andreas has collected his favoruite tunes and it's quite possible that he'll play a couple of tunes that you've never heard before. Even though it's a pre-recorded show, Andreas will be in the #RemixCommodore channel on Efnet during the show on Thursday for a chat.
One or two famous C64 personalities might show up as well...

Air dates for Morpheus show:
- Thursday April 8th (21.00-22.30 CET)
- Friday April 9th (21.00-22.30 CET)
- Sunday April 11th (16.30-18.00 CET)

Regular spot

Sunday, April 11 - 2004 - 20:00 CET
Boz & Kenz

  - Boz and Kenz wind down your weekend and help you tackle that Monday Mood with another healthy dose of mixes and mischief!

SLAY Radio Announcement List

For those of you who aren't subscribed to the SLAY Radio announcement list, here's a quick instruction on how to get subscribed:

1) Send an empty email to radio-subscribe from the email address you wish to have subscribed.
2) Await confirmation email
3) Read confirmation email
4) Reply to confirmation email as described
5) Await subscription confirmation

Hear ya on the wire!


Posted: 07/04/2004 - 6:30
by Pex `Mahoney` Tufvesson
Aaaah the world famous drummer boy on radio! This one is for me, I can feel it... I'm looking forward to it, sure I am! :-D

Posted: 08/04/2004 - 21:11
by Sledge
The show was great! Hope you'll include Jennifer alot more in the future. She's totally elite!

Posted: 16/04/2004 - 9:19
by Makke
I'll be off in about 30 minutes. Don't forget to listen in this evening people! :)

Posted: 16/04/2004 - 9:43
by merman
Loved what I heard of Andreas' show, and Boz & Kenz cracked me up with their "Oh it's that" show.

Shame I'm going to miss this weekend's show, off on holiday, no access to a computer :cry:

Posted: 16/04/2004 - 17:01
by dan gillgrass
What time does it start tonight guys!

Posted: 17/04/2004 - 11:21
by trace
It was a Crazy great show lastnight :)

Posted: 17/04/2004 - 11:42
by Kenz
Yeah, the bit I heard was v.amusing - especially when Makke "came out of the closet" (and went back in to it again).

Hehe! :lol:

Posted: 17/04/2004 - 17:07
by Subzero
makke gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay LOL

Posted: 17/04/2004 - 17:37
by boatman
Yeah, that show was craaaaazy 8)

they also will switch on again the webcam. A few minutes ago, I thought that makke is still sitting there with his mic...since yesterday :lol:

Posted: 18/04/2004 - 21:15
by Makke
We did what we could to get as drunk as possible, and make utter arses out of ourselves for your amusement. So thank u (for umbrella) for listening.
Kenz wrote:especially when Makke "came out of the closet" (and went back in to it again).
I handled that very gracefully, didn't I? :)

Now I'm pretty much about to fall over dead! It took me all bloody day to get back home! I only got back 20 minutes ago, roughly 8 hours after getting on the train in Gothenburg.