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The next BIT Live is officially...

Posted: 06/04/2004 - 22:56
by Chris Abbott
"Back in Time Live 7"

How did I get to 7??


Birmingham = 1
London 2001 = 2
London 2002 = 3
8-Bit Revolution 2002 = 4
Hamburg = 5
Brighton = 6
London 2004 = 7

Easy :)


Posted: 06/04/2004 - 23:30
by madfiddler
Nice :)

Posted: 07/04/2004 - 3:43
by tony.rc
But the Back in Time Live poster for Brighton says '5'?

and I've never heard of '8-Bit Revolution 2002'.

Posted: 07/04/2004 - 6:56
by tas
it does exactly what it says on the tin

Posted: 07/04/2004 - 7:14
by Chris Abbott
But the Back in Time Live poster for Brighton says '5'?
Well, that was more accurate than "4"

> and I've never heard of '8-Bit Revolution 2002'.
It still happened (Bog has a report on it, so it must have!)


Posted: 07/04/2004 - 9:15
by Mayhem
Subtle renumbering alert ;)

Am I the only person to have gone to all of them though? 8)

Posted: 07/04/2004 - 12:44
by Chris Abbott
Yep, you may well be. How many other English dudes were at 8-Bit Revolution _and_ BIT Live Germany? :)


Posted: 07/04/2004 - 12:47
by Chris Abbott
(as I remember, there weren't many Europeans at 8-Bit Revolution apart from PPOT)

Posted: 07/04/2004 - 15:10
by merman
Back in Time 7... Magnificent 7? Lucky 7? Seven go down to Soho?

Posted: 07/04/2004 - 16:02
by Chris Abbott
All of the above. If you counted them, the Chortles team would probably have seven members:

Mat Recardo

Hey, whaddya know :)


Posted: 08/04/2004 - 11:34
by merman
You forgot the lovely Annifer Flutterbucket :wink:

Posted: 15/04/2004 - 3:42
by tony.rc
Matrix can your reprint the Brighton Live poster to be BIT 6 now :lol:

Posted: 15/04/2004 - 7:58
by Matrix
Fraid not.. when the decision was made to go ahead with the design, the layers were flattened, then some flat-filters were used on the whole image to sharpen it up, contrast etc and to correct some minor things like lensflare artifacts.

I can go back and edit the unflattened one - but it wont be exactly the same - also, it would be upto chris or kenz to accept and reprint for the Boz shop, and provide u with a "corrected" version lol ...

Additionally, after the work was "finished" and flattened for the use of.... the layered version (unless i can find a backup) was redsigned to be the dvd cover... just awaiting a content list b4 it can be completed and sent.

I would make the change, but chris bought the design and therefore own the rights and trademarks on it, any changes would have to be authorised by him, and if hes not willing to reprint for you - he would have to give me the go-ahead b4 i could send you the digital file to print out yourself. Hope you have broadband because its about 25 megs, if not, CD will have to do and postage.

Im sure sumthin can be worked out - but youd have to go through Chris Abbott, it was a commissioned piece, and while he origonally only paid for the cartoons (separate artist involved there), he did pay additional monies at the end of bitlive (unexpected) but there it is..

In short, he owns it. But yes, i was a bit narked when i saw the number list too.

Posted: 15/04/2004 - 10:46
by Chris Abbott
Well, I can shift stuff about... but the important thing is that _that_ poster was the actual one at the event.

The change in numbering has only so far happened here in this thread, so I can move it about at will and put BIT Live Brighton back at number 5. Perhaps I'll ditch numbering altogether for this one, like Microsoft did with Windows XP. This will be "Back in Time Live XP - expanded live set" :)

Anyway, this thread is the ONLY place this numbering change has been discussed, so I can unofficialise it if you want.

As for the poster stuff... well, there's no need now, is there?

8-Bit Revolution declared "not BIT Live"

BIT Live Brighton now numbered 5

Future BIT Live events will not be numbered.


Posted: 15/04/2004 - 13:56
by Matrix
So that would make it "BITLIVE LONDON 2004", i can jive that.