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DHS of TSW feat Makke - Giana Sisters (Keep Da Scene Alive)

Posted: 08/04/2004 - 13:17
by DHS
Hi There,

seeing that RKO needs more time to be fixed, i decided to release this here. Sorry for the bad speed of my hosting, i can do nothing about it.


Hope you like it.

Posted: 08/04/2004 - 14:54
by dan gillgrass
Tho not a fan of SCOOTER i gotta say this mix works really the naming of people and the choir bit sets the hairs on my arms stand up...nice one guys!!!

Posted: 08/04/2004 - 18:18
by CraigG
I can deal with Scooter - they're amusing in small doses, and it's a nice way to do a C64 mix (and perhaps hints at how a C64 mix post-Zombie Nation might chart). There are some really nice bits in this mix, from the smashing together of disparate styles to the vocals, although I could personally have done without all the naming. Good anthem though.

Posted: 08/04/2004 - 19:21
by Kenz
I can sum that up in one word - BLOODY BRILLIANT!

Oh, wait, that was two words ... Ahem! :oops:

Anyway, truly top stuff guys (Makke IS Scooter!) That's the first track for our next Sundays radio playlist sorted. :D

Posted: 08/04/2004 - 21:32
by DHS
Kenz wrote:Anyway, truly top stuff guys (Makke IS Scooter!) That's the first track for our next Sundays radio playlist sorted. :D

Posted: 09/04/2004 - 9:18
by merman
Personally I think Scooter should be ground down into dust, the dust placed into a rocket and fired into the heart of the sun...

...but (and it's a big butt, and I'm sitting on it) this is a classic track! Pounding drums, great shouty vocals, I was killing myself laughing after the nineteen weeks (slight exaggeration) it took to download...

Posted: 09/04/2004 - 10:34
by tas
Slick.... Very slick :)

Posted: 09/04/2004 - 19:42
by Vosla
funny stuff... if it's really a parody of scooter it's f***ing brilliant. :D

Posted: 10/04/2004 - 14:55
by Makke
Cheers guys! Glad you like it. DHS did most of the work though. ;)

Posted: 10/04/2004 - 23:35
by Xelebes
Loved every single second of this one.

Are you gonna show this on OCR or not in the WIP forums?

Posted: 14/04/2004 - 20:36
by dan gillgrass
We have now had, in my opinion TWO anthems this year.... DHS + Makkes Giana (must be a BIT Live player :) ) and MS, Mahoney etcs Sweet..... will there be anymore contenders.....???? :D

Posted: 15/04/2004 - 11:40
by Dr.Future
Well done, DHS. You *really* know how to treat a little Giana Sister... :mrgreen:

Posted: 17/04/2004 - 8:26
by LMan
<b>Hyper Hyper!</b> :lol:

Brilliant Scooter parody! :) By way of an exception I've fed in your tune manually into Remix64's DB. I had to wait until you uploaded it to RKO though, so sorry for the delay.

You can access the tune's info page here:

Great work, guys :)

- Markus

Posted: 17/04/2004 - 12:08
by DHS
LMan / Remix64 wrote: By way of an exception I've fed in your tune manually into Remix64's DB.
Thx. :)

By now it's on rko queue.


Posted: 22/04/2004 - 10:19
by DHS
Stats for: Giana Sisters (Keep Da Scene Alive)

Downloads: 548
Votes: 9
Reviews: 4

.....keep da scene alive.....

PS: thanks LMan, Infy, Craigg and MS for the reviews.