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And now for something completely different....

Posted: 13/05/2004 - 12:42
by trace
Our twins , a girl and a boy was born May 12 in the morning at 6:12 with Caesarean section. They will be named Emma and Joakim :)
They are allright and well as my wife, WE ARE SOOOOO HAPPY!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D

Going to buy myself a videocamera to film everything :)
Maybe you all can see them when i got pictures :)

Going back there now to take care of them so take care all and make good music when i'm gone :)

C ya in a few days again :)

Posted: 13/05/2004 - 13:07
by Kenz
WOW! Twins! Well done that man (and Mrs Trace of course!!)

Have fun with your double-bundles-of-fun! :D

Posted: 13/05/2004 - 13:15
by trace

A beta track dedicat to my Twins, not finnished :)

Re: And now for something completely different....

Posted: 13/05/2004 - 13:37
by Zzapback
trace wrote: TWINS!!!!!
I don't know you (personally) but: CONGRATS to y'all!
Isn't it great to have kids!? (I have two (2 and 3,5 years old), no twins though.)
trace wrote: Going to buy myself a videocamera to film everything :)
Might be a little too late. :wink:
Depends on what you mean by 'everything'. 8)
All the best,

Posted: 13/05/2004 - 13:50
by Chris Abbott
Well done!! They'll bring you much happiness. And stress. But mostly happiness :) They're also very lucky to have each other!

I'm sure multiple births are more common on this messageboard than the general population. Looks like remixers do it in pairs :)


Posted: 13/05/2004 - 14:58
by tas
Congrats to you Trace and you better other half. Enjoy those tiny feet while they last... They soon grow up quicker than you expect.

*Neil looks at his 8 year old and reminises*

Posted: 13/05/2004 - 18:54
by dan gillgrass
Congrats Trace.....may they bring you happiness! :D

Posted: 13/05/2004 - 19:32
by Marcel Donné
Congratulations! :D

I hope that the twins and Mrs. Trace are doing fine and that you may experience all the joy and happiness in the world seeing tem grow up :D

Posted: 13/05/2004 - 19:53
by ifadeo
cool news trace !!!!

my best wishes to you, your wife and the twins.... :D

cheers ifadeo

Posted: 13/05/2004 - 21:34
by Subzero
Enjoy the double barrel sleepless nights :)

Posted: 13/05/2004 - 21:37
by Chappers
Many congratulations, Trace!

Happiness and sleepless nights await you.... :wink:

All the best to you, your wife and the twins!


Posted: 13/05/2004 - 22:14
by Vosla
"Good things come in pairs...", unknown author

Congrats, Trace, and to your wife!!! :D :D :D
(I bet they keep you busy all day and night!)

Greetings and best wishes,

Posted: 14/05/2004 - 1:08
by Matrix
Always nice to have a decent pair :D

hehe - ok joking aside ... congrats man :) Ill send over the tylenol and the crayon remover ;)

Posted: 14/05/2004 - 5:01
by boatman
Congratulations !!

Best wishes to you and your wife and the twins :)

Posted: 14/05/2004 - 8:06
by Makke