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TWYWCI Show is back!

Posted: 23/05/2004 - 18:56
by Makke
As announced on The Z Show this evening, The Whatever You Want To Call It Show is back on Wednesday, at 8 pm CET.

As of yet I have no clue what the theme will be, but I've dug out some interesting stuff to play (C64 related, other game music and retro stuff). There will be requests taken (both remix and SID's) at the same time as I try to keep some sort of theme going. The theme will probably be "A BIG MESS", but I'm sure it'll be fun.

NOTE: To avoid confusion, there was a message sent out to the SLAY Radio mailinglist that the show would be aired on Thursday, which was the original plan. I got invited to dinner on Thursday night though, and I didn't want to put it off just to monkey around for a bunch of ner...ehm...our beloved listeners. So the date was changed to Wednesday.


Posted: 23/05/2004 - 22:18
by Kenz
A rectangle?

We'll be there Makke! :)

(Kenz still recovering from the Z-Show F1 Simulator incident!)

Posted: 25/05/2004 - 19:26
by Vosla
Uhm...I guess I am not online on wednesday evening. Is there a chance that Slaygon (or somebody else) provides a downloadable version?
Last time I got a 80mb fragment (2nd show, first part). Is there a slim chance to get the whole show somewhere else?
Maybe it was posted somewhere but I feel like I got kernal panic in my brains. :roll:
And somebody should swat those pesky little pinky winged elephants that keep disturbing me all the time. Gnihihihii !
Oh my holy whiskers!

Posted: 26/05/2004 - 12:29
by Chappers
Vosla wrote:Uhm...I guess I am not online on wednesday evening. Is there a chance that Slaygon (or somebody else) provides a downloadable version?
Last time I got a 80mb fragment (2nd show, first part). Is there a slim chance to get the whole show somewhere else?
Maybe it was posted somewhere but I feel like I got kernal panic in my brains. :roll:
And somebody should swat those pesky little pinky winged elephants that keep disturbing me all the time. Gnihihihii !
Oh my holy whiskers!
I won't be online tonight as well so I'd like to get a downloadable version of the show too.

For various work-related reasons, I've missed listening in on every one of Makke's shows live so far. :(


Posted: 26/05/2004 - 17:26
by Vosla
NOW (19:30) I am online but I have to go in a few minutes.

Posted: 27/05/2004 - 8:34
by Boz
Great show Makke gooooooooooooooooooood!

Nice collection of C64 remixes - and going into the realms of REAL C64 SIDs and a good number of Amiga remixes, too!

When's the next WYWTCI show? ;)

Posted: 27/05/2004 - 10:16
by Makke
Cheers, mate!
Boz wrote:When's the next WYWTCI show? ;)
Dunno, but I'll definitly try to have at least one more before leaving for the summer. (Spending summer at my parents, i.e. no broadband.)

Posted: 27/05/2004 - 15:18
by Phantom66uk
Ught Oh!

I've erm.... got a confession to make

I totally forgot this was happening even after all the emails, I can't even remember what I was doing last night as it was a usual boring 'Wednesday night on the TV' as always.

Hopefully there are some snippets somewhere to listen to the (probably) great show :twisted: that Makke hosted.

/me prepares for a kicking :lol:

Posted: 28/05/2004 - 21:11
by Makke
Phantom66uk wrote:/me prepares for a kicking :lol:
Hehe, yeah. Only qualified excuses for missing the show is either because A) you're out drinking or B) shagging. ;)

Now I'll return to the TV, because all I've been capable today is resting. Was out drinking last night.