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DJ Skitz - Swing It To The Left!

Posted: 27/06/2004 - 19:32
by skitz
After the SCLUSIVE play of this on the Z-Show I thought I would post it's location here: Skitz - Swing It To The Left.mp3

Big thanks to Mr Slaygon for all his amazing work on Slay Radio!

Posted: 28/06/2004 - 18:01
by boatman
I missed the SCLUSIVE Z-Show yesterday for some daffy reasons :evil: But this tune is a nice, stylish one (as in my humble opinion :) ). I like this one...go on Skitz 8)

Re: DJ Skitz - Swing It To The Left!

Posted: 28/06/2004 - 21:37
by Slaygon
skitz wrote:Big thanks to Mr Slaygon for all his amazing work on SLAY Radio!
(sorry... Had to correct your post a bit above ;)

Big thanks to Skitz for making this remix. I enjoyed it very much!

Posted: 29/06/2004 - 15:48
by skitz
It seems that most people hate it according to the KWED rating :oops:

Maybe I should stick to making wise ass remarks...

Posted: 29/06/2004 - 18:13
by Chris Abbott
Ah, ignore the ignorant bastards ;-) If it doesn't have three guitarists, two vocalists and an orchestra, they'll hate it :lol:


Posted: 29/06/2004 - 20:36
by C64GLeN
Ah, I'm sure it'll go up.. I thinks it's very good!

Posted: 29/06/2004 - 20:45
by ifadeo
skitz wrote:It seems that most people hate it according to the KWED rating :oops:

Maybe I should stick to making wise ass remarks...
c'mon skitz, don't take care 'bout the votes at RKO, they mean nothing.... :wink: there only a few ppl from remix64 voting...
the most ppl leeching the tracks without voting or comments for
the remixer.... sad but true !!!

btw. very good work on your last remix, it's not my style but it's
a well done remix.... it deserves a orange simley...

cheers ifadeo

Posted: 29/06/2004 - 23:49
by Infamous
yeap totally agree with iffy on that one.. hardly anyone ever bothers to vote or review sod all anymore.. but hats off to those that do its you lot that keep things working.. give us a little extra reason to do stuff.

rest of ya'll shame on ya! cant get everything for free ya know.

as for the mix.. i gave it an orange face.. i like the slide pitch main line alot and the tune is well carried so much so ive even got off my own fat lazy arse (oh yes!).. and had a look in the slaygon folder myself... just to see whats in there... not bad at all :-).

anyway.. good work skitzy keep it up :-).

Posted: 30/06/2004 - 6:22
by Jan Lund Thomsen
skitz wrote:It seems that most people hate it according to the KWED rating :oops:

Maybe I should stick to making wise ass remarks...
Nonsense, that man. I stand by my "very good" vote.

If there was an announcement for it before the SCLUSIVE airplay I missed it. Hence, my first thought was "Wossatthen? ... Ah, sounds vaguely like Crazy Comets. Must be a new mix of it then."

A bazillion replays later I still think it's sounds Cometsy at places. Slaygon denies being consciously influenced by it when he did the SID though. :D

Not that it makes me like it any less, mind you. :D

Posted: 30/06/2004 - 8:09
by Slaygon
Jan Lund Thomsen wrote:Slaygon denies being consciously influenced by it when he did the SID though. :D
This was actually written for an Intro I was supposed to do for our own party held i Gothenburg '90.
I got held up with other stuff... ;)

Although I see what you mean with the Cometish thing going there, my guess is that one of remixes of Crazy Comets uses a similar lead sound which makes you think even more of it.